(no subject)

Jul 22, 2009 07:55

[Any computers in camp, you just got pinged. But don't worry, that's all that happened: The AI that did it clearly isn't looking for you, nor is she interested in your shiny protected stuff. Although, if I were you, I wouldn't try and investigate too hard back. That firewall she's packing is godly and comes with free cleansing fire.

Who did it? Well, one glowy-eyed persocom does fit the bill. And in person, you might find her coming up to ask you:]

...Excuse me. I've just been kidnapped, and they say I might be here for a while. Is there somewhere I can stay? I don't have money here, but I can work.

Also, is it really 2009?

((In celebration of hitting the half-way mark on my icon set, have a deage. Chii is now Elda.))
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