(no subject)

Jul 19, 2009 19:55

[Today as the sun sets, you might hear the sound of a helicopter in the distance. However, try as you might you won't actually see any helicopter at all until it very suddenly moves out from behind the volcano and over the lake. It is flying very close to the water, close enough to kick up a plume of green mist from the lake, and to be pulled under by a suddenly grabby set of tentacles. It disappears under the surface in a huge splash of water as its rotors strike the water.

For a few seconds, it might seem as if that were the end of it. Marcy's pulled it down into the water and a few bubbles come to the surface. But then there is an explosion, radioactive water flying high into the air, a scream from Marcy, and something thrown violently away. Something roughly the size of the helicopter, but no longer the shape of it. It is now obviously a robotic humanoid, with a gun attached to one arm. And he's just landed (surprisingly softly) not too far away from wherever you happened to be standing. For now, he seems content to ignore you and stare at the lake.]


[Its pretty obvious that he's got no idea what it was that just grabbed him, or why.]

(Intro post for Megatron! Will probably be slow/distracted, but I'll be here as long as it takes or until I fall over.
ETA: Out for the night, but I'll be back and pick things up in the morning.)
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