(no subject)

May 08, 2009 02:03

Very well then! Now that I am situated, a formal introduction is in order. My name is Tsukiumi! As you may or may not know, I am the legal wife of one Sahashi Minato! If you happen to know a Matsu or Homura--or Kagari, as he may be calling himself!--they are nothing but his concubines, so do not listen to them if they would have you believe otherwise.

With that established, to all of you people with bad skin conditions invading all of a sudden--at the very least, don't show off your disgusting lack of hygiene as if it's acceptable!! I'm sure proper bathing habits will work wonders for you! Regardless, if this is to be my home for now, then I won't tolerate you attacking it no matter what you look like! I, Tsukiumi, shall crush you all underneath my might! Hah, I challenge anyone to best me in this endeavor! But the victory is assured to be mine!

((it's late, I may be sort of slow. fair warning ♥ ETA: WELL IF GMAIL IS GOING TO HATE ME I WILL DROP THE POST FOR NOW))
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