(no subject)

Apr 24, 2009 10:26

[Posting to: kazusamarabu.net...]

Good morning, fellow Kazu-sama fans! I hope you're all having a GREAT day! Sorry for not updating the site in a while, but now I have a pretty big update for you all, live from Kogarasumaru's training camp (≧∇≦)/! As always, please continue to send your contributions in to the site ♥. Your fanart of Kazu-sama is greatly appreciated~! But for now, here's my contribution:

Did you know...?

☆ Kazu-sama's favourite colour? It's green!
☆ That Kazu-sama's feet are a size 8?
☆ He likes tea more than coffee, and takes two to three sugars with his tea! It's because he's so sweet, kyaa (*´▽`*)!!
☆ As expected of such a dedicated athlete, he drinks at least three bottles of water per day! If you're like me, maybe it's a good idea to start carrying a water bottle around with you everywhere you go in case you run into him! Then maybe you can offer him some water and share a an exciting moment or an indirect kiss (゜∀゜)!! (I'll kill you if you do though, haha!)
☆ His favourite spots include a really tall tree and cool alcove of the volcano overlooking the camp! So romantic... ♥.
☆ The other day he fought and won in a spectacular battle against a group of sentient trees! It was close with all those thorny branches, but in the end he had a spectacular fiery victory! You go Kazu-sama! Show them who's boss!

Well, that's all for today! I'm working hard to bring you guys the latest in Kazu-sama news, so please keep checking back regularly and sending in your comments! See you next time!

~ Kazu-sama's number one fan ♥

[... Redirecting to: campfuckudie.livejournal.com...]

Wait wait wait WHAT?!

[OOC: Emiri's at her laptop, so feel free to have comments be typed replies, or drop by in person in the treehouse |D. Just notify whichever o/. Edit: Taking a break and slowing down! I need to eat. I'll try to pick up later, tell me I miss you and you want to continue ♥.]
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