Sezuri-Kai I

Apr 12, 2009 19:07

[on this particular Easter morning, the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, the zombies are mating ... etc. Of particular interest, however, might be the lake. Because today one of the beaches closest to the main area of camp is littered with beautiful sea shells of various shapes, sizes and colors. Like this. Or this. However, if you hold them to your ear, you will hear birds instead of the ocean ... and you may find that you've forgotten how to speak.

Oh, and there's a magical hobo around as well. But he is currently napping in the shade of a tree, and hasn't noticed the mushi invasion. Yet.]

(( OOC notes go here. ETA: I am sleeping! Feel free to continue picking up shells and/or bug Ginko. They'll be on the beach for about a week.))
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