[asking the important questions]

Apr 05, 2009 21:12

Well, I suppose with there being so many new faces around introductions might as well be in order. My name is Caeru har Aralis, the Tigrina of Immanion and consort to the Tigron. For those of you who notice and those who are completely oblivious, no, I am not human, though I once was. I am now one of two Wraeththu remaining in this place. The dwindling number is terribly depressing, but luckily the other har is a most lovely creature known as Pellaz.

Enough of the introductions though. Since the moogles are delighting themselves in this strike of theirs, I believe this is the perfect time for a very old traditional Wraeththu inquiry. Simply put:

In all the worlds and across all the times, here in camp and beyond, who would you like to murder?
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