[ ITP: a touch of romance. ]

Jan 18, 2009 07:22

[ It's early evening in Camp - yes it is, don't argue - but don't worry, this post isn't an extended Twilight joke. There seems to be a large ballroom which has appeared from nowhere.

Characters venturing into the hall will find their regular clothes have been replaced with beautiful evening-wear, though these new threads are perhaps a little vintage.

The soft strains of Glenn Miller's Moonlight Serenade waft around the polished dancefloor, the long table stretching up one side seems to overflow with glasses of champagne and sparkling apple juice, and even the zombies seem to be in tuxedos for the occasion. Over the double-door entrance is the banner pronouncing this the KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE DANCE. ]

A sight for sore eyes.

((Rose & Jack & Tosh will be commenting around are mostly dead, but this is a social event. Please, mingle. Feel free to tag the post belatedly, I'll be returning to pick up new & old threads tomorrow.))
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