(no subject)

Jan 11, 2009 19:39

[If you happen to be in the northern part of camp today, just north of the lake to be specific, then you will see a sign. The sign is the only thing in the middle of this clearing, and this is what it says:

Looking for a place to live? Look up.

As soon as you look up, a huge cabin falls down from the sky, landing in the clearing. Somehow, even though it fell from really high up and threw up dirt and rocks everywhere, there is no damage to the cabin. Also, the cabin has this flag hanging from a flagpole atop the tallest point of the roof.

Welcome to the UN cabin.]

[also, Finland happened to be nearby when it fell.]

Wha- But why- How does camp keep doing stuff like this?!

((New cabin get |Db anyone who doesn't have a place to stay is welcome to come ask for a bed.))
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