Chain Gang!

Nov 05, 2008 18:56

[At 6 p.m. exactly on November the 4th, a Sign appeared somewhere that is NOT the middle of camp, but pretty close.

In red letters on a field of black, it reads:

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot...

There is a Guy Fawkes mask mounted on the top center. On the pole beneath the sign are chains with manacles on the ends. There are no locks, and no hinges- just a smooth ring of metal.

Around YOUR wrist? Well, around Beat's, at least.]

... The hell?

((Yes, Beat is chained to the pole. Feel free to come and bug him, marvel at the sign, laugh at one of the many others who've been chained))

((ooc: TRAITOR'S POST~ Has your character betrayed a person, oath, ideal, New Year's Resolution?! If they did it, the sign might have grabbed them. The worse the betrayal, the earlier they might have been grabbed. Oh they'll be released when November fifth is over (in England), or for the low low price of admitting what they've done.

Backdated to the appropriate time, my bad for not thinking of it earlier.

You are all lovely, awesome people. :D))
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