[ITP: A Tower]

Oct 29, 2008 00:41

[Somewhere in camp, there is a Tower of Gear, left behind by one Former Phantom Evil King Epros. Inside this Tower of Gear is the nifty teleportation device in this here icon, which certain individuals from the same world as the Former Phantom Evil King Epros will recognize as a Stone Circle. Today, these individuals include one Hero of Justice who is on her Patrol of Justice accompanied by four (technically five, but we don't talk about Ukon) Ninjas of Sound and therefore not of Justice. As this Hero of Justice approaches the Tower of Gear in order to make sure there are no zombie squatters inside it, she notices (to her Heroic Astonishment) that for the first time since the departure of the Former Phantom Evil King Epros, the Stone Circle is active.]

I should hope that my phenomenally perfect eyesight is not playing tricks on me and that I am not the only one witnessing this.

... not a genjutsu, far as I can tell.

Heh. Think it's actually working or just Camp screwing with us?
*poking. with a stick. because it's the bright thing to do, that's why. ...and he doesn't want to risk losing a kunai.
... and stick is gone. well.* ... If it closes just before we-- Hurry up, before it closes!

...Oh, my goodness. This...it's...I cannot believe this day is finally here, Rosalyn!
[and in her most strident tone of voice, reserved for PROCLAMATIONS OF JUSTICE, the Hero addresses the camp at large]
Citizens of Camp Fuck You Die! Long have I served the cause of justice in this seemingly-without-merit excuse for a swamp--

Miss Hero...

--In the profound hope that I might in turn...

Rosalyn? ...Rosalyn? You wanna hang around and see if it goes inactive again?

--Ignite the burning flames of justice within your own hearts...

*rock pebble! at Ros's head. but gently* Oi! We ain't got the time. Send 'em a letter at whatever the hell that holiday is!

Can do it from the other side, even.

[OOC: Drop post for Rosalyn, the Sound Four and Kisling! Despite what paranoid ninja may think, the Stone Circle is not going to de-activate before everyone is done with their farewells, so please come say goodbye!

ETA: Sakon's out, but will pick up any loose threads tomorrow!
ETA 2: THE HERO NEEDS SLEEP. So does Jiroubou. Tayuya is still around, though, Kidoumaru's got another 20 minutes left in her and the rest of us will pick up tomorrow!
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