Jul 13, 2008 19:07
[Once upon a time. There was a van. A white van, full of candy, joy and joyness. Occasionally kidneys, Envy and Anon. But after them, there was a loligoth, and a mean colonel who set the van on fire over some tiny little death issue.
Today, however, the Noah returns, moogle in tow! She shakes it and there, FROM THE ASHES, like a great and amazingly suspicious phoenix, and with a great KUPO! the van returns.
You might have sensed a great disturbance on the badtouch side of the force, and come to investigate. Or you may just be out jogging and dodging tentacles, but for whatever reason, you will be overhearing this:]
Perfect! ♥ Nowwww, where was that dolly~ I need the blue dress from he-
Oi, old man~? ♪ Who're you?
((OOC: Rhode's white van returns! And Master Van's intropost INNA VAN! Standard warnings apply as such things go. You love us, go.
Return of the son of the edit: Rhode is out for now and Van will be winding down soon!))