(no subject)

Apr 01, 2008 15:52

Ah, I just love the smell of birthday cake and beer in the morning, don't you? I also love it in the evening. You've got a few hours left!

Dear Seamus Zelazny Harper,

Repeated complaints of inappropriate and obscene icons have forced us at the LJ Abuse team to take action.

Your icon privileges have been suspended pending investigation. You may petition to revoke the suspension here We apologize for the inconvenience.

LJ Abuse Team

Hey! Hey! Give my icons back! I like my icons. Bastards.

((What's Camp April Fools without an IC prank? ICly Harper is teh l337 hacker (OOCly mun just has photoshop) and you've got three guesses as to why his birthday is on April 1st. The first two don't count. A-And Harper probably never mentioned his birthday to anybody orz

Edit: orz orz some of the collapsed threads are foiling my invisible icons. Pretend they're still invisible, k?))
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