(no subject)

Nov 26, 2007 11:21

It seems, once again, that new people are arriving here. In the interest of basic human decency, and also a slight vested interest in not having to hear each an every newbie bitch an moan as they figure this out themselves, here is your official Welcome-to-camp. Accept it gracefully, it comes from someone who's been here far longer than she would like, and most likely longer than you ever will be. Our population turnover rate just isn't what it used to be, I'm afraid.

You are in Camp Fuck You Die, a facility modeled after a summer camp located in some version of Louisiana on some version of Earth. I say "some version" because yes, there are many different versions of Earth and some people not from that planet at all. For example, where I come from, the Messiah is an giant anthropomorphic cockroach. I say "modeled after" because beyond the mess hall and the cabins and the fact that those of us who have been here too fucking long refer to ourselves (and you now) as campers, this really isn't much like a summer camp at all. If the shambling undead or the fact that it's the middle of November have already clued you in to this fact, congratulations! You're ahead of the class.

You are here because supposedly, the woman who runs this place considers you a suspect in the murder of her finance who isn't actually dead. Yes, it's bullshit. No, she won't let you go. If you think you can solve the murder, I won't try and stop you. Likewise, if you think there is a reason that you can take out the barrier that no one here has been able to put a dent on, please, try your hardest. Nothing would make me happier than someone taking that thing down. But make sure you have a buddy with you, so in the off chance it turns you into a pile of jelly beans, someone can get you home safely until it wears off.

The monsters you see around you are real. If you come from a world without any such unpleasantness, get used to it, they aren't going away. Sometimes they get worse. If you can't keep yourself out of trouble, this place has a ridiculous monster/crime/injustice-fighter-to-civilian ratio. I'm sure you can find someone who can do it for you. Or you could get off your ass and learn to use that shotgun, the choice is yours. You can't drink: there's no alcohol in the whole establishment. You can't fuck: dumb shit happens if you try. On Tuesdays, the food from the messhall is inedible, you can either fast or hoard food. This is not the fault of the people cooking your meals for you every damn day. Don't blame them unless you want to look like an ass.

I would say avoid food not made in the mess hall, but it seems now that if this place wants to fuck you up, it'll do it without provocation. Sometimes, strange things will happen to you. Very, very strange things. They seem to be for the most part temporary, so try not to worry too much.

And here you will stay, until you aren't. There isn't much more too it than that. Nothing we have done has been able to get anyone out in any repeatable way. I understand that many here have important affairs to be seeing to in their own worlds. The only consolation I can offer is that time does not appear to be moving linearly in our home worlds while we remain here. Try not to lose hope. Use the time you're stuck here to practice whatever skills you value and better yourself. That's all we really can do.

Hmmm... did I miss anything?

And Urameshi, what's this I hear about a marriage.

Eta: The little fuzzy things you see around saying "kupo" are moogles. Talk to them and they'll save your progress. It's important to save frequently, because you never know when you'll find yourself in a tight spot. As far as saves go, the moogles are efficient and accurate, just don't be the asshole who feels he needs 13 different save files. This isn't Morrowind. You just need one.

Eta2: Silly me. Stay away from the lake. Far, far away.

Eta3: the talking skeleton probably doesn't want to kill you.

((OOC: Wow, LJ posted this half written. Silly LJ, I'm way more long-winded than that! Also!Doctor appointment. Back in a couple hours.))
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