(no subject)

May 07, 2007 22:29

[There's a superhero sitting alone at a table, surrounded by several large cardboard boxes full of VHS--and a precious few Betamax--tapes. Harken but a moment, o hyperborean wanderer: ]

Sooo--anybody wanna help me sort these?

Let's see... "The Passion of the Sasquatch." That goes under either nature documentary, or porno I never need to see.

((OOC-Rico's found some movies in the wake of the blackout--any movie, all movies. Sadly, they're all cassettes. More sadly, camp's altered them to comply with the rules of the Sasquatch Game.

What's the Sasquatch Game, you ask? Well, take a movie title, replace one of its words with "Sasquatch," and keep going back and forth until somebody can't think of one. Hilarity ensues as you try for the most comical verbal deployment of the elusive American Yeti--be it as a noun, verb, adjective, or the dreaded adverb.

Wanna play but your character lacks IC knowledge of films? Well, that's why we've got this here framing device--help Rico sort his newfound treasure trove! Just remember--one word titles (Rocky, Titanic) or "article + word" titles (The Departed, The Prestige) are unacceptable; the Sasquatchified result should be recognizable as the original film title. And sequels are allowed as long as each film title remains distinct.

Don't wanna play? Well, I... I don't know what to say to that, really.

I just thought we could share something special.))

((ETA: Sleep beckons. By all means, play amongst yourselves.))
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