[It's another glorious day in camp! The sun is shining! The panties are blooming! The gorllias are mating! And attentive campers will notice with the light and airy feeling of the coming spring there is also a light and airy feeling...in their pockets. Tucked away in a not-so-brilliantly planned hiding spot, there sits a pile of all sorts of stuff, and, atop this pile, a ninja]
Pigs...fluffy balls...keychains...pill bottles...lollypops... Man, does anyone have anything worth stealing in this place?
[OOC Note: Yuffie has been in ur base, stealin ur stuff. Please direct your attention to the theiving meme
here to comment on what she can and cannot steal. Assume for the purpose of this post that, unless it's going to cause major drama, Yuffie has stolen it. Also if you could drop me a PM on IRC if you want Yuffie to have stolen anything significant, or if you just want to play around without your shit having been nicked, that's okay too! Good luck getting your stuff back! ♥
ETA: Yay raaaape! P-passing out, or at least too incoherent to keep up for now, picking up tomorrow!]