Jan 14, 2007 18:14
So many new faces here. Hello~ ♥
I fear I fell into old habits and kept to myself for far too long~ It has been some time since I've gotten out to meet anyone, so to speak, so a pleasure to meet you all. I am called Fujiwara no Sai. I look forward to getting to know you!
For those who might be interested, I help run the Go club here in camp. Go is a truly wonderful game and we always welcome anyone who wishes to play or learn. Meetings are [times and place]. We have several players here so there is a challenge for all skill levels. And I am happy to teach anyone new to the game.
So come, let's get to know each other♥~
((Return from hiatus post! Everything is typed, unless you're in Girls' 11 and can see him XD))