Secret Santa time!

Dec 24, 2006 19:28

I've got everyone's Secret Santa presents right here! Santas, feel free to come introduce yourselves!

Xander - a clip-on container of Demon Magic demon repellent.

Rosette - a trout, which comes with a few recipes from the Santa.

George Michael - a gigantic box of popsicle sticks

Nagi - comfortable bedding and pillows, in solid neutral colors

Ken - some (slightly burnt but still very tasty!) Christmas cookies packed in a Christmas kerchief, wrapped inside a red scarf (which is a little lumpy, but warm) along with a little card.

Lupin - glitter-decorated tie

Wesley - Wesley: a small crystal which glows pale blue. There is an attached note, as follows: "Contained herein is a powerful spell of true-seeing, which reveals the true nature of all things. It will last perhaps one hour, once you hold the crystal and will it to activate. Use it in good health."

Subaru - a toucan (not dead this time!1) and a chia pet. Which. Also may be alive

Megan - A small gift basket with nine bottles of blue liquid; the bottles all have decorative stoppers and look very nice. The basket has a red bow and there is a card attached. It reads: "To Megan, Merry Christmas. Having never actually met you, I was uncertain as to what you might like to get as a present, but this is something I thought could come in handy, given what Camp is like. If you drink one of these potions, any minor injuries you have will be healed. They taste pretty good, too. Anyway, I hope you like them. Sincerly, Soma Cruz"

Zia - a tree made out of wire and metal leaf

Usagi - a box about 2'x1', wrapped rather roughly in colorful holiday paper sealed with.. electrical tape. Inside the box are: these.
The message in the card says: "Er, sorry about the bra. I asked for 'those candies on the elastic strings, you know, the ones you can wear?' and that was what I got. Not what I wanted, but, uh. You can still eat it?

Shuusuke - spare tennis balls and a couple of truffles

Veronica - a 6 volume set of leather bound Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot novels

Anita - a plate of oatmeal cookies (with label "perfect with milk"), and the book Kiss Good Night (with a note, "they aren't ALL gross!")

Naruto - three chocolate-covered bananas and a dorky necktie

Bulma - some sexy holiday-themed lingerie

Ash (and Pikachu) - a matching set of Winter items, including a scarf and a wool hat, (they're both red, and should keep the guys warm through the fairly mild Southern winters), a Southern Living Cookbook, (Please Ash - use it!), an old radar (tweaked so that it would only recognize Pokemon - now, when Ash wants to catch some more Pokemon, he can use the radar to tell him where the closest ones are!), and a stocking filled with assorted fruits and candy (and berries for Pikachu), too.

Rei - A Masters of the Bow CD and a flamingo eyeglass holder (for Rei to keep Gendo Ikari's glasses on).

Shuichi - This outfit (the original one was a charming masterpiece with crayon!)

Tatsuha - a box of Christmas chocolates

Tolle - a Red Ryder BB Gun

Francescu - Green tea! From... Mount Fuji.

Chloe - write-chucks. They have paper at one end and various writing implements at the other, which are attatched to each other with a gold chain. They come with a letter opener which is really a dagger

Omi - a muzzle

Buffy - a 'his and her' set of handtowels

Simon - Skin bronzer for men, skin corrector for blemishes and under-eye circles, and this card:
For: Simon
From: Santa! ♥
You work very hard, Dr. Tam, but you're still a young, good-looking man. Santa thinks you should try this skin bronzer to imitate the natural effects of sunshine and a healthy lifestyle, and this skin corrector for blemishes and under-eye circles, a hazard of your career choice.

Heather - a bouquet of origami yellow lillies and a handwritten card

Franz - copy of Charles Dicken's "A Chirstmas Carol", and a set of gloves, hat, and scarf, hand-knitted to an avg adult size

Turnbull - a shiny pair of handcuffs

Fighter - Standard broad sword, red handle

Brock - a cooking set (comes with your general utensils, pot, frying pan, and a recipe book)

Dee - this DVD (not quite gay enough, but it'll do!)

Benibara - Seven bottles of these: two banana, two blueberry, two orange and one strawberry

Renge - a pink animal, handmade

Tezuka - a self-programmed hand-held tennis LCD game

Soma - a gun, because who couldn't use a gun? It's a nice gun, a silver antique looking thinger. And it comes with bullets. A nice practical gift

Tot - a cake

Yuujirou - Jessica Simpson hair extensions in beautiful platinum blonde

Nanba - Tin full (mostly) of cookies. May or may not have tested some to make sure they'd have no ill effects

Trowa - some extra sticks of memory for his camp-issue laptop

Yuuna - a non-professionally knitted scarf

Ami - blue mittens and earmuffs

Wednesday - an axe, wrapped in a festive bow!

Uwaaaaaaah, all these presents! Merry Christmas, everyone!

((OOC: I apologize if I had to make something up for your gift! If you would like to give something else and you didn't quite make the deadline, feel free to spring it on your Santa-ee in this post!))
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