Oct 25, 2006 00:06

My name is Nakabayashi Yoshitaka. Some of you--well okay probably a lot of you--may not know me, but I've come before you today to change all of that! I want to get to know you better in the future, so that we might work together in building a new and vastly-improved camp!

In other words, I, too, am throwing my hat in the ring--I am running against Takino Tomo for the position of Camp President!

And while I hold my opponent in the highest esteem, I believe that I would be a more fitting choice to bear the heavy, heavy burden of being the camp's chief executive. For one thing, my independent wealth will ensure that I always honestly and diligently pursue an agenda that serves the interests of you, my constituents--as opposed to my esteemed opponent, whose glaring lack of wealth makes her beholden to lobbying groups, such as the powerful, shady towel lobby! Do you want a president whose every action is dictated by who's paying the most at her fundraisers? Or one who will listen to your concerns and act on the will of the people?

As your President, I vow to use all the resources at my disposal as head of the Nakabayashi Estate to serve you, the average camper, the average counselor! So vote early, vote often! Nakabayashi Yoshitaka in '06--a vote for me is a vote for money in your pocket!

This message paid for by the Nakabayashi in '06 Campaign. Incidentally, your candidate is currently in the process of scouting out a headquarters. Anyone willing to lend some space to a worth cause, please contact your candidate as soon as possible! He's tired of sleeping under trees
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