Um... *Ew!* Usagi-chan? Come on now, you can get through this. Yes, that's... that's *Ew, ew!* Well, I have a razor at my house you can borrow that'll take care of those.
I'm glad. I figured that there'd be lots of people that would want to help you. Oh... I just thought "what would I need in the same situation?" A razor was the most polite first thing that came to mind.
Heh. N-no problem. *Flutters to try to shake off excess... gunk*
Oh, that's awesome! Now, will you promise that you won't try to use your pen anymore until you can have someone with magical abilities check it out first? You don't want to go through this all over again, do you?
*Uh - now you're just smearing it all over. Ew!* I don't see why not. I don't think breathing will be a problem. It just has to be gently, and in cold water, since I'm silk.
[if this was minkao, you'd be in pieces by now] Well, blood just comes out, I don't know why. But I found one shower that did red jello a few times! It was tasty!
It's alright! You can party and get all dressed up and do everything you want once you get changed back and it'll be great! Just think about the good things; that's what I do!
[just trust me. do you not know sm canon?] Okay! But you gotta try the jello sometime!
*Oh, gross!* Aahhh!
Oh. [sets you down] Sorry.
Heh. N-no problem. *Flutters to try to shake off excess... gunk*
[tries to wipe it off with Fran's hanky] Do you think you could be washed?
*Uh - now you're just smearing it all over. Ew!* I don't see why not. I don't think breathing will be a problem. It just has to be gently, and in cold water, since I'm silk.
[what? rub it off some more? okay!] Alright! So if I found a faucet that wasn't spitting out jello or blood then would you want me to wash you?
*Oh, now that's just not right!* Um... Why would the faucets be spitting jello and blood?
[if this was minkao, you'd be in pieces by now] Well, blood just comes out, I don't know why. But I found one shower that did red jello a few times! It was tasty!
*?* Maybe I'll just rinse off in my house. So far, the water's just been... water.
[just trust me. do you not know sm canon?] Okay! But you gotta try the jello sometime!
[Nooooo! D: ] That's okay; I'll take your word for it...
[YOU POOR MISERABLE THING! Hop to! I know all of yours.] Suit yourself!
[I'll add it to my ever-growing list!]
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