Welcome back, Lord Il Palazzo and Excel! You're awesome, Lord Il Palazzo and Excel! Hooray ACROSS!

Jul 21, 2006 21:28

So do you guys want the good news or the bad news first? Why do people even ask that? There's usually a predetermined order you have to say these things in, and it may always work on television, but in real life, letting the delivery of your punchline rest upon the shoulders of a neutral party could really ruin the effect. Lead your attack force with a Wobbuffet, why don'tcha. (Why, you ask? Wynaut? Look, Li'l Bro, I'm all versed in the idioms of your world~! Gotta speak the language of one's suuuuuuubjects~)

Bad news first! WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. Lord Il Palazzo really was missing! Some Super-Sized unbelievers totally McDoubted me, but you all went without the presence of Lord Il Palazzo for SEVERAL DAYS! And you didn't even notice! What shameful peasants you are!

Good news is, dedicated ACROSS #2 Excel followed her heart and FOUND HIM!

Bad news, it took several days and several instances of both in- and external bleeding. Also, Mr. Key went and lost himself somewhere in the woods through no fault of Excel what~so~ever. Sorry, Mr. Key. It really was an accident. D:

But the BEST news is, I found Lord Il Palazzo totally safe and unharmed! Which, considering...

Well, the WORST news is that ACROSS now owns what Ponce de León always coveted. Assumin' I can find it again, which I'm thinking not-so-much. Or maybe that's good news, but it's kinda hard to think about it when you're not very good at dealing with kids. I'm not very good at dealing with kids.

Boy, I went on about the order of good and bad and then went totally freeform. What's up with that? It must be the stress. Can you see the nervous ticks? Can you count them? If I begin anything resembling frantic screaming, please tap me on the shoulder and tell me to refrain.

...um. I'm serious about the thing about kids.

((I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I'm coming off my hiatus a little early. I'm still on stolen internet, so I may disappear at any time, but it's been good all day, so... hopefully not!))
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