So then. Today's Monday, which can only mean one thing: My owner's going to get hospitalised through some seemingly random event. Thus, I decided to make it into a betting pool. If you've been watching previously, in past events, all of his hospitalisations have occured due to people from Momoko's world, which would lend precedence towards the idea that she'll be killing him today. However, a new top contender has arisen due to events last night: The Sohma Mafia, due to Kyon making Kisa cry. Naturally, there can be only one solution: Someone needs to take his head! So, without further ado, here's a poll! Audience members, you can join in too!
Poll The "How will Kyon die today" Weekly Poll! *Ehem* In the case that a group of people win the bet, each individual betting on the successful choice get the piece of Kyon's laptop of their choice, in addition to a percentage of the winnings. If noone winds the best, all funds are to be added to Kyon's credit.
PC Edit: ...Don't you think you should really be worrying more about the death threats you'll be getting in the near future than out-doing me?
Kyon Edit: True, but I can't help but shake the feeling that i've been in this sort of situation before...