To make decsions about my/your own body.
Even if you are a man reading my journal..... you should also read
this along with all my women friends and readers.
Ponder what it would be like if the restrictions mentioned in that
link were applied to you regardless of your sex or economic status or political beliefs.
Just sayin'.
Comments 5
I am not a rabid feminist, but I think it's a no-brainer that I should be able to make my own decisions about my own body.
So, flipping it around and requiring something of men as part of reproductive responsibility and consequences makes perfect sense to me.
I think that scenario of mandatory DNA testing and legally mandating responsibility for all men is frightfully scary and extreme.
But it is no less extreme than making it a legal issue over whether a woman should have a legal right to birth control or abortion.
Its issues like these that get me hot and bothered about the GOP (Grand Old Pricks) party. And my mother thinks that I wasn't aware how badly Regan screwed our middle-class existence in the 80s. Yet she bombards me with the anti-Obama propaganda all the time.
Our choices this year are limited. Hell, since Karl Rove is running this Republican campaign, and managed to hijack the last 2 elections, it makes me wonder if a right choice (no pun intended) can ever fairly win an American election again.
The Palin choice is a propaganda stunt, pure and simple. Either that or she has blackmail material so repugnant, no one wants it to see the light of day. Does this make me a conspiracy nut?
Thanks for sharing.
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