Title: The Grimms Are Rolling In Their Graves
Pairings: vague Webster/Liebgott
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: They are so not mine.
Word Count: 2,700
Summary: Skinny's got a real business of telling stories in Austria.
Notes: While comedic, this borders very heavily on crack. Be warned.
Hey boys, what can I say? Some of you heavy smokers are starting to sound like the creatures from the lagoon. )
Comments 29
I've been looking forward to this story ever since you first mentioned the concept on your journal, and this was just as good as I'd hoped it would be. Skinny is fantastic and adorable and the guys butting in are great and oh, god, the stories. Big Bad Bull and Skinny inadvertently slashing Web and Liebgott, and HARRY AND NIX AND THEIR HOUSE OF BOOZE OH GOD!
Ah, just the kind of silliness to warm you up on a cold evening.
Also, this has totally reminded me that one of these days I should finish that story where Nixon is Snow White.
Thank you for reading and I am super pleased it worked! NOW TO FINISH THE WEIRD RPF THINGER.
I think the last may be my favorite. Dike! The labels for crumbs! And poor Skinny -- it's hard being unappreciated, but he does have his genius to comfort him in the end.
Thank you for reading!
This is just so awesome! Ahahah. I think Webster the Pretty Mermaid is my favorite, although i'm really curious about Goldichristenson, now...
thank you for sharing, it's really really funny!
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