Room 223, after ACJ until period 6

Feb 21, 2006 20:55

So she's fine. Looks to be fine anyway. Strange how suddenly he's less tense. Sorta, he has no clue how he's supposed to behave around her or how she expects him to behave. He picks up his homework and settles down on the couch.

((So very interuptable.))


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notstakedyet February 21 2006, 22:55:29 UTC
"What issues?" Angel asked. "Look, Cam, all I'm saying is it's okay. It's perfectly natural that you'd feel upset and guilty if you find yourself having feelings for somebody else when you told yourself the only person you'd ever love is Buffy."


notstakedyet February 22 2006, 01:22:08 UTC
"I, uh, know about girls, Cam," Angel said. "Not saying I'm a master of the dating scene but I know my way around the important stuff."


cameronmitchell February 22 2006, 01:23:25 UTC
"Dude, I was there for the stickfigures, remember?" Camoner rolled his eyes. "No, about Bel. Has he ever mentioned something called The Source to Angelus?"


notstakedyet February 22 2006, 01:25:08 UTC
Angel nodded. "Yeah. It's... kinda his boss, I guess. Ultimate evil in his planet. Angelus wasn't impressed."


cameronmitchell February 22 2006, 01:29:24 UTC
"Bel is. He keeps thinking he's got to play the bad boy because this Source thing can get to him or something," Cameron said. "He believes he's got no choice in the matter, but I think there might be something."


notstakedyet February 22 2006, 01:30:14 UTC
"If you've found something I'm all ears," Angel said. "Consider me volunteering if you need someone too."


cameronmitchell February 22 2006, 01:35:52 UTC
"I don't know what it is, he dropped the name of something that I think might relate to it. I wanted to look it up in the Special Collection, but I still haven't recieved my pass from Professor Carter." Cameron frowned in thought. "Something about a Dragon Blade? He said he's already found out where it is, but I don't get why he doesn't use if it can help him."


notstakedyet February 22 2006, 01:36:38 UTC
Angel snapped his fingers. "DB! He had a note that said DB on it. I bet that's what it is."


cameronmitchell February 22 2006, 01:37:56 UTC
"What note?"


notstakedyet February 22 2006, 01:39:32 UTC
"Aeryn found a note that he wrote," Angel said. "One of the things on it was DB, but Phoebe, Veronica, and I couldn't figure out what it was."


cameronmitchell February 22 2006, 01:41:54 UTC
"Okay," Cameron said slowly. "Have you heard about this blade thing before?"


notstakedyet February 22 2006, 01:42:22 UTC
Angel shook his head. "Don't remember it. As me or Angelus."


cameronmitchell February 22 2006, 01:45:20 UTC
"So we'd still have to hit the Special Collection to find out more," Cameron sighed. "I don't get demons."


notstakedyet February 22 2006, 01:48:51 UTC
"Which part?" Angel asked. "About demons, I mean."


cameronmitchell February 22 2006, 01:51:07 UTC
"The part where he seriously seems to believe he doesn't have a choice, but then doesn't seem to want to actually do something about it." Cameron shrugged and held out his hands. "Or I'm just stupid for thinking that there's more to his behaviour than being a bad guy."


notstakedyet February 22 2006, 01:52:35 UTC
Angel shrugged. "It's hard. He's mixed, like me. He's got just as much urging him to do bad as to do good. And even the urge isn't enough if you don't have the true desire to change. I didn't do anything until I met Buffy. Just brooded and hated myself."


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