Room 223, after ACJ until period 6

Feb 21, 2006 20:55

So she's fine. Looks to be fine anyway. Strange how suddenly he's less tense. Sorta, he has no clue how he's supposed to behave around her or how she expects him to behave. He picks up his homework and settles down on the couch.

((So very interuptable.))


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notstakedyet February 21 2006, 21:50:38 UTC
"Hey," Angel said, "all I'm saying is that when a guy gets overprotective of somebody sometimes that means something. This isn't the first time you've flown off the handle because of Molly, you know."


cameronmitchell February 21 2006, 21:54:03 UTC
"Oh for..." Cameron rubbed a hand across his forehead. "She. Like. A. Sister. To. Me. It might have been normal to date 14 year olds when you were still alive, but not so mucn in the 21th century, man."


notstakedyet February 21 2006, 21:56:50 UTC
"I'm just saying if you did have feelings I'd understand," Angel said. "I wouldn't encourage it but I'd be there for you. Sometimes these things happen in spite of the huge age difference and all the reasons you've given 'em to hate you."


cameronmitchell February 21 2006, 22:04:30 UTC
"How very openminded of you, but it won't be necessary. I don't have any feelings for Molly," Cameron growled through gritted teeth. "Wait? What?"


notstakedyet February 21 2006, 22:05:34 UTC
Angel looked back at him. "What 'what'?"


cameronmitchell February 21 2006, 22:07:39 UTC
"I'm not trying to get Molly to hate me," Cameron said confused.


notstakedyet February 21 2006, 22:14:21 UTC
"I'm not saying you're trying." Angel shrugged. "Just that we can't control how we feel. Even when it's about somebody who's the last person on earth that we should even think about in that way. I mean history alone.... You know what I mean."


cameronmitchell February 21 2006, 22:16:37 UTC
"You know what I mean? Dude, I'm not meaning anything. How many times do I have to repeat that I'm not in any way whatsoever crushing on Molly?" He halted and stared at Angel. "Please tell me you're not crushing on Molly."


notstakedyet February 21 2006, 22:19:32 UTC
"What?" Angel looked at Cam like it was entirely possible Cam was deranged. "Did you eat the cafeteria food? I'm talking about you. And Molly."


cameronmitchell February 21 2006, 22:23:22 UTC
"And I keep telling you that there is no Me and Molly, but you're starting to sound like you've got some issues here." Cameron narrowed his eyes.


notstakedyet February 21 2006, 22:55:29 UTC
"What issues?" Angel asked. "Look, Cam, all I'm saying is it's okay. It's perfectly natural that you'd feel upset and guilty if you find yourself having feelings for somebody else when you told yourself the only person you'd ever love is Buffy."


cameronmitchell February 21 2006, 22:59:08 UTC
He really expected Angel to say Vala. He really did. So imagine Cameron's face when Angel said Buffy. "Dude, do you want to talk about something?"


notstakedyet February 21 2006, 23:02:06 UTC
"Well I came here to talk about Bel," Angel said, oblivious to his word choice, "but if this Molly thing is, you know, a thing for you it can wait."


cameronmitchell February 21 2006, 23:05:02 UTC
"Can you get off Molly for a moment?" Cameron had the urge to beat his head against a wall. "You realise you basically just told me I only ever expected to love Buffy. Now, last time I checked I was with Vala so..." He raised an eyebrow.


notstakedyet February 21 2006, 23:06:19 UTC
"Okay, now I know you've eaten the cafeteria food," Angel said. "Why would I say Buffy when I meant Vala? Seriously, what was it? The grilled cheese? I've heard that's lethal."


cameronmitchell February 21 2006, 23:10:20 UTC
"Dude, I went to class and I've been in my room ever since trying to avoid running into Vala and making a fool out of myself." Cameron scowled. "You said Buffy, so I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that something's up. Or did you have the cafeteria food?"


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