Title: Here's One I Prepared Earlier
Notes: Modern AU, implied Gwen/Morgana, reincarnation, small amounts of bad language
Summary: Morgana's hosting a Beltane party at the family manor, and has decided Merlin and her brother Arthur are a perfect match. Merlin and Arthur disagree.
Here's how it goes... )
Comments 6
OMG So I have to say first that ANYONE who can insinuate the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy into an Arthur/Merlin fic is amazingly awesome. xD
That said, I absolutely loved this fic and the way the reincarnation was woven in. It was subtle, but powerful at the same time. I loved so many of the little things like Gwen calling Merlin and Morgana bookends and both boy's not wanting, but wanting and the moon's light creating a crown on Arthur's head. For some reason I adore the line ' He could never do this before, he's going to take advantage of it now.' because it's simple and short but encompasses and means so much. And the teasing at the end was just adorable.
Thank you!!! <3333
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