Here are the rules/FAQs for the 2016 round of Camelot Remix. Please make sure you refer to posts with the 2016 challenge info tag to ensure you have the right information.
What is this?
A remix is a challenge where you write a new version of a story by another participant. Keep the basics of the story the same (including the basic plot, characters, pairings or lack thereof), but change the style, structure, focus, or something else. Our "What's a remix?" post (
DW) explains some more about what remixing means and some of the different approaches people have used. You can get a quick idea by checking out the stories from
previous fests. This year's Camelot Remix entries will be posted in a similar format at the same archive.
camelotremix is a remix challenge for Merlin and Merlin RPF fic and art. In your signup you can specify whether you're willing to write or create art that is FPF, RPF, or both. Beyond that, we won't be matching people by pairings or genre, so before you sign up make sure you're open to writing different kinds of stories.
What are the dates and deadlines?
A sign-up post will go up by 1st February and will be open until midnight 10th February (in your timezone).
Assignments will go out by 15th February.
You'll have until 15th April to create your remix work.
Stories and art will begin posting on 25th April or as soon as we have one remix for everybody, and they will stay anonymous for one week after all works have been posted.
What are the eligibility requirements?
In order to sign up as a regular participant, you need to have at least five remixable fics of at least 500 words each or 5 pieces of art for your remixer to choose from. These five works
-must be posted publicly.
-must be complete (no works in progress).
-can be FPF, RPF, or a combination of both (for example, two Gwen/Morgana works and four Bradley/Colin works), but not crossovers with other fandoms.
-should stand on their own - five parts of one story counts as one story, not five.
-should not be collaborative projects or remixes of other people's work.
You'll have the option of designating a "safe work" that cannot be remixed. This work won't count toward the five works you need in order to qualify. You will also have the option of denoting a "starred work" which is the work you'd most like to see remixed. Keep in mind that your remixee is in no way obligated to remix this work, nor are you obligated to remix the starred work of the person to whom you are assigned.
Crossovers and fics of less than 500 words are fair game for remixing even though they don’t count toward the eligibility requirement. Collaborative works are not fair game for remixing.
If you don't have enough qualifying works, you can still sign up as a pinch-hitter and we'll contact you if we need someone to create an extra work.
What do I have to create?
Writers: You need to write one story of at least 500 words that remixes one story by your assigned remixee. There is no upper word count limit.
Artists: You need to create one piece of art that remixes one story by your assigned remixee. Word counts do not apply.
The story you choose to remix can be any length and can be a crossover with another fandom, but it can’t be a work in progress, a remix, a collaboration, or the remixee’s "safe work".
We will e-mail you with your remixee's name and a link to their work, and you'll have about eight weeks to create and post your work.
How do I sign up?
There will be a sign-ups post here on the
camelotremix journal by 7th February. You can sign up on LJ or Dreamwidth, and if you don't have an account you can comment anonymously or with OpenID. We will e-mail you your assignment, which we'll ask you to keep secret until the reveals post is up, about a week after the final work is posted to the AO3 Collection.
In the sign-ups post, we'll ask you to post a link to a list of all your Merlin works; this could be a website, a journal post or a fic journal with tags, or a page at the AO3 or another archive. If you don't have your fic listed or organized somewhere, please try to take care of that before you sign up, it'll make things a lot easier on us and your remixer!
Where will the works be posted?
The works will be posted to the Camelot Remix 2016 collection at the
Archive of Our Own. This will make it possible for each author to edit their own work whenever they need. It will also make it easy for the mods to control when the works go public and when the remixers' names are revealed.
If you don't have an AO3 account, you'll need to set one up in order to post. Sign up at the
Invitation Queue and you should get a code within a few days. If you do not get a code, contact one of your mods as soon as possible, and well before the posting deadline. If you do not have an AO3 account and do not want to get one, the mods will be happy to post your work for you directly to the LJ and DW comms. However, please be aware that by doing so, you do not have as much direct control of your work that you would have by posting your work to AO3.
Should you have questions about posting to AO3, please refer to last year's
Posting to the AO3 is easy! post.
What if I need to drop out?
We hope you'll only sign up if you're confident you can get a fic written by the deadline, but we understand that these things don't always work out. If you need to drop out of the challenge, just let us know as soon as possible so we'll have time to find a pinch-hitter and they'll have some time to write. You can e-mail us or leave a comment at the Contacting the Mods post on
LJ or
What about this other thing?
Have other questions or concerns? Feel free to comment here or e-mail or PM
winterstorrm or
kitty_fic. We'll edit this post as more questions come up and as details get worked out.
How can I keep up with announcements?
On Dreamwidth, you can subscribe to
camelotremix; on LJ, you can friend or track
camelotremix. This is set up as an individual journal rather than a community in order to make cross-posting easier; you can always comment on either side and there will be links between corresponding entries.
If you’re an LJ user and would prefer not to friend this account, you can subscribe to the syndicated feed
camelot_remix to see announcements. But for linking or commenting please use either
camelotremix or
This entry is also posted
on Dreamwidth with