MAFAs, Spring 09

Feb 14, 2009 02:52

With the success of last year's MAFAs (Merlin/Arthur Fic Awards) and bleu4bleu's decision to begin the vidding awards, I thought it was about time to have another shot at the MAFAs. This time, with added categories!


You can nominate any fic, provided it contains the Merlin/Arthur pairing. Pre-slash is included in this.

You can self-nominate fics and nominate more than one fic per category. In fact, nominate as many fics as you want - the more the merrier.

Here, an epic is determined at being over 10,000 words in total,a drabble is 500 words or less, and a chapter fic must have AT LEAST 3 chapters.

Fics from the reel_merlin challenge can ONLY be entered into either the reel_merlin, AU, or crossover categories. STUFF THAT, IT IS A SILLY RULE. NOMINATE THEM FOR ANY CATEGORY, I WAS BEING DAFT WHEN I WROTE THAT.

There is no date cut-off, as it were - nominated fics can have been published at any time.

You may NOT nominate a fic that won any of the categories last time. Runner-ups are not included in this, and can be nominated. A full list of winners can be found here.

No one person is allowed to nominate a single fic in more than THREE different categories. The reason for this can be found here.

To Nominate: To nominate a fic or fics, either comment to this post (comments are screened) or e-mail your nominations to with "nominations" in the subject line. Please make sure that the information is correct, I don't have the time to check every single one!

Please include the following information when nominating a fic:
Story url

Failure to do so will result in me being stroppy and sending you a bitchy email telling you to do it again, and do it properly. It just makes everyone's lives easier.


Section 1 (Best Overall):
Best Overall Fic
Best Action/Adventure Fic
Best Angst Fic
Best Alternate Universe Fic
Best Chapter Fic
Best Crack Fic
Best Crossover Fic
Best Dark Fic
Best Death Fic
Best Drabble
Best Drama Fic
Best Dub/Non-con Fic
Best Epic
Best Episode-Centric Fic
Best Finding-Out Fic
Best Fluff Fic
Best Gender-Swap Fic
Best Humor Fic
Best Hurt/Comfort Fic
Best Kink Fic
Best One-Shot
Best Plot Device
Best PWP Fic
Best reel_merlin Fic
Best Romance Fic
Best Sequel
Best Threesome Fic
Best UST Fic
Best Work-in-Progress

Section 2 (Best Characterisation):
Best Arthur Characterisation
Best Gaius Characterisation
Best Gwen Characterisation
Best Lancelot Characterisation
Best Merlin Characterisation
Best Morgana Characterisation
Best Nimueh Characterisation
Best Uther Characterisation
Best Other Male Characterisation
Best Other Female Characterisation

Nominations Will Be Closed On: Friday, 20th March 2009
Voting Will Be Held Between: Saturday, 21st March and Friday, 4th April
Winners Will Be Announced On: Saturday, 11th April 2009
(These dates are subject to change)

Thank you for your participation!
Any questions can be directed to

As with last time, I would be grateful to anyone who has PS-fu that can assist with banner making at the end of the voting.

mod: smokey2307, mafas

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