Meet the Family Rooster

May 20, 2012 12:26

Author: min7girl
Title:Meet the Family Rooster
Pairing/s: ArthurMerlin
Character/s:Arthur, Merlin
Summary:Arthur is a prat, but there is a strange boy on his street doing strange things and he is having none of it.
Word Count:443
Author's Notes:There will be 2 more in this verse with Arthur and Merlin only, at about the same age.

"Cucadoodoole-doooo!!!" The little boy jumped up at the tree branch. He couldn't have been more than Arthur in his years, but obviously he was a bit of an idiot if he felt the need to wake the birds on Arthur's street by acting like a chicken.

It was the second time in as many days. Arthur usually sat patiently waiting for his family's driver, Leon, to get back from dropping off his father. He would sit quietly revising before school and occasionally looking out the window. He was a tidy sort that liked to be dressed and prepared for things. His father insisted on it and Arthur was always a good son.

Which is why the boy that had to be, no more than 8, no less than 7, jumping up and down screaming like a chicken at the top of his lungs at the tree branch, bewildered him. The boy obviously went to the public school several blocks away and used Arthur's street as a cut through, even though Arthur's street was technically a dead end.

Unkempt black curls that whipped curiously in the wind topped the boy's head, and his clothes on both occasions were very much less than new. The only thing that might have been something Arthur could have been familiar with at all about the oddly foreign looking boy was his sunglasses. They were the expensive kind that Leon always seemed to wear. And that was another odd thing, because besides Arthur most kids didn't think to protect their eyes from the sun. If they wore sunglasses at all, they were those hideous plastic things with funny shapes and animals that Arthur loathed, because in all honesty he was far too grown up for childish foolishness. His father told him so.

"Cuck-a-doodle-dooo!!!" The boy screamed again(this time saying it right). And honestly if it wasn't so close to Arthur's property he may have let the obviously impaired child carrying on with his chicken impersonations. But it was early morning and there were people who might have thought the strange child somehow related to Arthur. He was the only other boy of this particular age living on this street. The neighbors might have even gotten the impression this person was his friend of all things. And that was impossible, because aside from his cousin Morgana, he had no friends his own age. They were too silly and apparently clucked like chickens.

"Move along!" Arthur puffed out his chest like his father taught him to when giving an order.

The other boy laughed and called him a prat, but did in fact move along, so Arthur was pleased with himself.

*c:min7girl, rating:g, type:drabble, p:arthur/merlin, pt 007:family

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