Title: Merlin's Family Drawing
oflittleuseRating: G
Character/s: Merlin and Arthur
Pairing: Kind of pre-Arthur/Merlin (they're kids)
Media: illustrator & photoshop
Prompt: Family
Summary: Arthur finds Merlin's family drawing and makes some much needed corrections.
Artist’s Notes: Thanks for letting me post this! Another part of the kids'verse, but this time with Merlin and Arthur's artistic talents coming out in full force. Comes included with a small scripted drabble.
MERLIN: Arthur!
MERLIN: What did you do to my painting?
ARTHUR: Isn’t it obvious? I fixed it, or tried to.
MERLIN: I’m supposed to hand this in. Mrs. Nimueh will fail me! She knows you’re not my brother.
ARTHUR: Never said I was your brother. See, says right here, I’m great.
MERLIN: How could you ruin my painting!
ARTHUR: Please, you can barely colour in the lines, your house doesn’t even have windows and look at your feet. Since when do you have round balls for feet? And your face looks like you have a moustache. Don’t be a baby about it Merlin.
MERLIN: I can’t believe you.
ARTHUR: If anything you will get extra marks, look at my crown right there.
MERLIN: That’s a crown? I thought you had been electrocuted and that was your hair.
ARTHUR: I saw something you missed and corrected it. Don’t be upset because you overlooked it.
MERLIN: If I’m going to hand this in, then you need to put your name on it too. That way if we get in trouble everyone will know who to blame.
ARTHUR: Gladly. Everyone should already know we’re family anyways.
MERLIN: You didn’t put me in your family picture.
ARTHUR: Yes I did.
MERLIN: Really?
ARTHUR: Duh. Unlike some people I’m not stupid.
ARTHUR: There signed. Now help me find the purple paint to put into Morgana’s shampoo.
MERLIN: ... Okay.