Apr 07, 2012 12:15

Welcome to out Frequently Asked Questions page!

Sit back, kick off your shoes and throw up your feet while you check out our FAQ.

1.]What is Camelot_Drabble?

It is the first drabble community for our beloved Merlin characters. This community was created to have fun, to challenge yourself, to let loose, and write and draw. This could be for old time writers to write and have fun in between writing for fest, and for beginners to ease into writing. A community to share your stories/arts. Yes art, while the community is called camelot_drabble we also want artists. This community is for You!

2.]What is a drabble?

A drabble is a short piece of fiction with exactly 100 words. However We wanted our writers to be able to write a fanfic of 100 words but if they were inspired, to continue to write. We are rebels so we wanted to do something differently.

3.]What is a prompt?

A prompt is a word, phrase, idea, picture that can inspire one's creative process.

4.]How are weekly prompt selected?

We have a list of prompts that are numbered which includes pictures, arts, phrases, songs, words, videos etc. Every friday we will use a this number generator to select the week's prompt.

5.]So what is the word count?

All drabbles must be a minimum of 100 words but no more than 1,000.

6.]What is allow?

All Character, Rating, Genre is allowed. RPF is also welcome.

7.]How do I sign Up?

Sign Up for the prompt would be every Friday at 10 am EST. To sign up just comment on the post with that week prompt.

8.]When does sign up closes?

Sign up for the week prompt closes on Saturday at 10 am EST.

9.]Is there a different sign-up form for artists?

No, to sign up writer's and artist's would just have to comment on the prompt post. We'll add participant as they comment.

However, the writers and artists have different posting headers, which you can find HERE.

10.] What is the purpose/reason for having sign-ups in this kind of community?

To keep everything organized as much as we can. Hence the sign up for each prompt.

11.] What if you miss the sign-up period or a previous prompt gives some you inspiration after it's been done and dusted? Are you still allowed to post a piece for that prompt?

No, once a prompt is closed no more sign ups is allowed for that prompt.

12.]When is the drabble/drawble due?

Your drabble/drawble is due Tuesday by 9 PM EST. This allows three days to complete your drabble or art.

Note: If your drabble/art is done before Tuesday, you can start posting as soon as the sign up for the prompt closes.

13.] Can we only post one drabble per prompt, or can we post more than one? And if so, should it be separate entries, or the same one?

Yes, you can post more than one drabble per prompt. This is for the writers/artists to get inspired and we don’t want to diminish that. I'm assuming the drabble/drawble will have different titles, so please use separate entries.

14.]What is Donate-A-Prompt?

Have you ever felt the need to help out a fellow writer/artist? Do you just have a lot of ideas building up and no time to write? This is why we have the Donate-A-Prompt!

Everyone can donate something, either a picture, phrase, video, song, art, etc. Soon, we will have participants choose from your donation to write/draw based on your submission. We called it “adopt-a-prompt”.

For more information please check Donate-A-Prompt.

15.]Is there a limit to how many prompts I can donate?

No! Go donate as much as you want.

16.] When can we post our pieces?

To the community, as soon as sign up for the prompt closes.

17.] When can I post my drabble/art in other communities?

As soon as the master post is posted on Wednesdays.

18.] Any rules for posting?

Yes, please use the header.

19.] Will there be a collection on AO3 where I can add these drabbles?

Yes! schweet_heart is the moderator of our AO3, which you can find on Collection on A03.

Any questions regarding to A03 should be directed through our contact-a-mod.

20.] Do you know how we will link to that collection when we post on AO3?

If you've never posted to a collection before, AO3 provides this handy tutorial that explains the mechanics. As to posting to this specific collection, you wouldn't post to the main collection, but the subcollection depending what prompt your drabble used. For example, if your drabble is based on Prompt #01: Skin, there's two ways you could submit it:

* Go to the Camelot Drabble -- Prompt #01: Skin subcollection and hit the "Post To Collection" button


* When filling or editing a work, under "Associations", you'll see a line called "Post to Collections / Challenges", and you can post the keyword to subcollection in question there. In this case, you would put "CD_prompt01"

Each subsequent subcollection will follow this format, and their keywords will be "CD_prompt02", "CD_prompt3", etc."

21.]What if I want to submit my drabbles into one story as different chapters, how do I add each chapter to a different collection?

Say you have something where one chapter is based on "Prompt#01: Skin", and another chapter is based on "Prompt#02: [Whatever the next prompt will be]". Then, under "Associations" then "Post to Collections / Challenges", you would put, "CD_prompt01, CD_prompt02," and they should automatically link to each collection.

Then, if you could under each chapter summary, put what prompt that particular chapter is written for ("This was written for Camelot Drabble--Prompt#1: Skin" or something like that) so people know which chapter has the prompt they're interested in reading.

22.] What about tags?

As this community has an open membership all must label their entries correctly. There may be younger members, and any and all drabbles containing explicit adult content must have a NC-17 rating, this is a must!

23.] Do I have to use lj-cut?


24.] How do I make an lj-cut?

Copy and paste the following:


25.]What's the policy on posting a drawble and drabble together in one post if they are related?

As of now, they can be posted separate or together, whichever is easier for you. In the master list the drawing would be would be under drawble with an "companion to" link to the drabble. And vice-versa with the drabble.

26.] What's the deal with adding new character and pairing tags? And do you just add tags for characters/pairings focused on in the story or every one that appears?

Right now we are adding character/pairings tags as the stories are coming.We add tags to focused pairings and characters. If a character is just mention, then no tags necessary for the story.

27.]I missed the deadline to sign-up, can I still participate in the week's prompt?

If for some reason you miss the sign-up post, you can contact a mod and ask to be added to the list. However, the same rules apply; you will not be given an extension, and you must post your work by 9PM Eastern/Standard Time on Tuesdays.

28.]Are there any rules for the sizes of the drawbles?

Any size is acceptable, but we are asking a 'sneak peek' of the drawble if it exceeds 650x250. The 'sneak peek' must be 650x250 which will serve as a link to the full sized drawble.

29.]Can I promote my community?

Yes, but please ask permission first before promoting your community, challenge, meetup, meme, etc. in this community. Please contact us via camelotdrabble@gmail.com with your request to promote or leave a comment in our 'Ask the Mods' Post. Promo posts without an approval will be deleted.

If you have any other questions that are not answered above, feel free to ask them in a comment. We'll answer them and then add them to the FAQ for others to use.

!modpost, !faq

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