Want You to Want Me

Aug 07, 2013 09:38

Author: min7girl
Title: Want You to Want Me
Rating: G
Pairing/s: Arthur/Merlin
Summary: Arthur's eyes are green and it's up the the court sorcerer to figure out why.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 250
Prompt: #69 Envy
Author's Notes: It's waaay past deadline. Sorry. Feel free to delete this.

"Why are my eyes green Merlin?" Arthur stormed into Merlin's chambers without knocking.

"How should i know?" Merlin held his hands up with a shrug before leaning in to get a better look at the king's green glowing eyes.

"I appointed you court sorcerer. YOU are supposed to know about this sort of thing Merlin."

"Just because I can set some stuff on fire and levitate a few things around the room, doesn't mean I know everything magical off the top of my head."

"You could if you spent more time studying and less time with knights. You aren't paid to spend time with them." Arthur's eyes grew brighter still and his skin took on a faint sallow hue.

Merlin sighed like he had seen it all before, because although he had not seen what caused this, with Arthur it always was some form of trouble."Have you been poisoned again? I told you not to drink anything cook didn't bring up herself. I put a trust ward on her." Merlin turned away from the king to go search through the books he inherited from Gaius. Maybe they had something to fix annoying green glowing kings.

Arthur growled at Merlin. Obviously not liking Merlin's nonchalance at his royal plight.

Merlin gave a quick look over his shoulder to Arthur in acknowledgment. When he did he noticed the king's hair was now shifting to match the color of the grass outside.  "Arthur, what were you thinking of when this started and what are you thinking of right now? Be as honest as possible since it will help determine the nature of this spell."

Although if Merlin was a betting man he would say it was a curse. One he might have accidentally set off last night.

"I was thinking about you and your lack of sense. " Arthur chastised.

"Can you be more specific. In what ways do you think your Court Sorcerer is an idiot?" Merlin teased. He also pulled down a book on curses of the heart. There had to be some kind of counter spell to what he'd done, or something similar that he could augment to fit the situation.

"Just as I said before, if only you paid more attention to your responsibilities and less time with my knights none of this would have happened!"

Arthur was now a lovely shade of emerald all over and had yet to notice. Merlin snickered to himself. "You are correct sire. If I had not been out with your knights none of this would have happened." Merlin wouldn't have seen Arthur being overly busy around the castle and wouldn't have wished for the king to be a little envious of the time Merlin could spend with others but not his majesty.  Was it so wrong to want to have Arthur want to spend time with him? To at least know the king wished to be at his side like old times?

Merlin grinned stupidly at the book, guess he had his answer.

*c:min7girl, rating:g, type:drabble, pt 069:envy, p:arthur/merlin

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