hpfangirl71Title: A Love to Die and Kill For...
Rating: PG 13
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur, Uther
Summary: Merlin will do anything to keep Arthur's love.
Warnings: Fluff that turns Dark at the end. Secret Marriage. Implied Murder of a major Character. AU
Word Count: 100
Prompt: #45: Love Also written for the monthly challenge at
fandomwords100: Marriage
Author's Notes: Not sure where the dark ending came from but it sort of wrote itself. I might make this into a larger piece at some point but I'm up to my ears in fest stories. :D
A Love to Die and Kill For… by HPFangirl71
The weight of the gold band upon his finger felt heavy but in a comforting sort of way. Merlin twirled the metal idly around his finger, his insides swelling up with the giddy feeling of a newlywed. His marriage to Arthur might be a closely guarded secret but it was as real as any other. Merlin loved Arthur with his everything, would die for the man if need be. He’d proven that fact on multiple occasions. Now as he hovered over Uther’s sleeping form, dagger in hand, he wondered if he’d be able to kill for that love as well.