
Jul 22, 2022 18:46

Author: archaeologist_d
Title: Crusade
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Uther, Arthur
Summary: Uther makes a young Arthur watch as he executes those of magic
Warnings: intense description of burning
Word Count: 639
Camelot Drabble Prompt bingo 512: crusade
Disclaimer: I do not own the BBC version of Merlin; They and Shine do. I am very respectfully borrowing them with no intent to profit. No money has changed hands. No copyright infringement is intended.
Screams haunted Arthur as he stumbled back to his room. He couldn’t stop seeing the bodies melting, their hair turning into torches, writhing in the fire as their shrieks turned to silence. As bones collapsed into the blaze and sent sparks into the sky, the awful smell of burnt meat clung to him. He wanted to vomit.

Even alone, huddling under the bedcovers, he couldn’t stop seeing them. Those begging for mercy. Children his own age crying, bewildered by chains and firewood, not knowing what was about to happen and then the screams, their soft faces blackening until there was nothing left.

He didn’t move when Uther came into the room.

Staring down at Arthur, Uther’s face stern, he said, “Arthur, you disobeyed me.”

Wiping his eyes, Arthur gulped. “Sorry, Father, it… they… I knew… I knew them. Alan’s… umm… birthday was next week, and I promised him a cake.”

He tried not to cry. Alan loved cake and now, he wouldn’t-Arthur didn’t want to think about it.

“They were traitors to Camelot. They would spread their poison across the land. Corrupt, profane, a blight on everything we hold dear. Surely, you can see that.” Uther stood over him, a towering black cloud, his father’s face filled with loathing. As Arthur flinched, Uther scowled down at him. “Those of magic must be obliterated before they destroy everything we’ve built.”

When Arthur didn’t answer, his father’s eyes narrowed, never a good sign. “They are not human, boy. They don’t deserve mercy.” He reached down, grabbing onto Arthur’s arm and shaking him hard. “Hear me. Your behaviour has been appalling. I won’t have you shaming me in front of the court again. There will be another execution tomorrow and you will be there. You will not cry or turn away, do you hear me? Because if you do, I will make sure you remember how disappointed I am in you. I have been too lenient, it would seem. That stops now.”

Arthur blinked back tears. His arm was throbbing, and he was sure there would be bruises. Not knowing what else to do, Arthur nodded, whispering, “Yes, father.”

“Just remember what I have said. I won’t hold back if you disobey me in this.” Uther finally let go. “Those with magic are tricksters, are corrupt. They would take your innocence and lead you down a dark path. It is for your own good.”

Nodding again, Arthur said, “Yes, father.”

Uther smiled then, a complete change as he reached over and patted Arthur’s head. Arthur sat there, rigid, trying not to cringe when Uther said, his voice gentle, “Good. And after the execution, there will be a feast with sweets and a cake. It’s your seventh birthday, after all. We should acknowledge that.”

Knowing that he should make some kind of gesture, to show that he understood just what Uther was saying, Arthur gave Uther a smile, as bright as he could make it while trying not to shout how wrong it all was. “Thank you, father. I will make you proud.”

With that, Uther nodded, seemingly placated. “I am glad we understand each other. Rest and I will see you on the morrow.”

It wasn’t until Uther closed the door that Arthur breathed again. He didn’t know what to do. The smell of burning still hung in the air and no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t forget Alan’s face as he begged Arthur for help, how helpless he felt about it all.

As he laid down again, letting the tears come now that he was alone, Arthur vowed that when he was king, he would be better than his father. Those of magic would at least have a fair trial, that justice wouldn’t end with screams and the smell of burnt meat.

But he’d never eat cake again.

*c:archaeologist_d, type:drabble, c:uther, rating:pg-13, c:arthur

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