Serket's Sting

Jul 19, 2021 21:11

Author: archaeologist_d
Title: Serket Sting - part 1
Rating: PG-13
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur,
Summary: What if Kilgharrah hadn’t rescued Merlin from the Serkets?
Word Count: 100
Camelot_drabble Prompt: Bingo 2021: empty nest
Author's Notes: unbetaed,
Disclaimer: Merlin characters are the property of Shine and BBC. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Wrapped in a cocoon of Serket silk, a body lay in the nest. Those monsters hunted in twilight, dragging their paralysed prey back, then sucking out lifeblood until only a husk remained. A terrible fate.

Arthur tried not to think who it might be. Not Merlin, though. Missing or not, the idiot survived a dozen impossible battles every day. Another lay dead from the Serket’s poison, not Merlin.

Refusing to leave the body-they deserved a proper burial, Arthur approached.

Hearing soft moans, Arthur ripped open the cocoon, stared into Merlin’s pale face.

And looked up to see Serkets approaching.

Author: archaeologist_d
Title: Serket Sting part 2
Rating: PG-13
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur
Summary: What if Kilgharrah hadn’t rescued Merlin from the Serkets? It fell to Arthur, instead.
Word Count: 100
Camelot_drabble Prompt: Bingo 2021: I Feel Lucky
One hand holding a groaning Merlin, using his sword to attack Serkets intent on keeping their prey, Arthur wasn’t sure they’d win out.
Merlin was useless as usual, flopping around, poison coursing through him. But Arthur wasn’t the best swordsman in Camelot for nothing.

Arthur slashed and stabbed, cursing their fate, then, unbelievably, with an unearthly shriek sounding in his ear, the Serkets flew back.

Whatever the cause, Arthur saw an opening. Hauling Merlin onto his shoulder, he ran for the narrow passage. Behind him, he could hear boulders crashing, blocking the Serkets from attack.

It was another lucky escape.

Author: archaeologist_d
Title: Serket Sting Part 3
Rating: PG-13
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur, Gaius
Summary: What if Kilgharrah hadn’t rescued Merlin from the Serkets? Arthur starts to figure things out.
Word Count:
Camelot_drabble Prompt: Bingo 2021: giving thanks
When they finally stumbled into Camelot, Arthur left Merlin in Gauis's care.

Unbelievably, Merlin was still alive. Somehow, the idiot managed to fight off Serket poison, a poison no one survived. Merlin, who lived through a dozen impossible battles already. And Arthur had found him, in woods no one ever entered, and fought off unbeatable Serkets. Against hopeless odds.

Arthur supposed he should be thankful because lucky didn’t even begin to cover it.

Because Merlin’s survival rate was nothing short of miraculous. Or magical.

Arthur had questions and answers he refused to acknowledge.

Merlin’s life was forfeit if he did.

*c:archaeologist_d, c:merlin, pt 466:bingo-round 3, type:drabble, rating:pg-13, c:arthur

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