Deep Water

Jul 12, 2021 17:37

Author: archaeologist_d
Title: Deep water
Rating: PG
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur,
Summary: Merlin didn’t know how to swim but Arthur was drowning. Time to learn.
Word Count: 100
Camelot_drabble Prompt: Bingo 2021: 1x07 Gates of Avalon
Author's Notes: unbetaed,
Disclaimer: Merlin characters are the property of Shine and BBC. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
The lake looked deep, unending, and black, promises of certain death lurking just below its surface.

But Arthur was there, plummeting down, unconscious, drowning.

Still Merlin hesitated.

Merlin never learned to swim. Ealdor had water enough, in shallow creeks and muddy puddles. Nothing to prepare Merlin for this. Perhaps unknowable horrors lurked there, traps to capture the unwary.

Panicking as he thought of cold lake-water filling his lungs, unable to breathe, sinking into the murky underworld, forever lost, Merlin froze.

But Arthur was sinking fast, too, and helpless, and if nothing else, Merlin was forever his friend.

Merlin dove in.

*c:archaeologist_d, c:merlin, pt 466:bingo-round 3, type:drabble, rating:pg, c:arthur

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