Confessing Manly Musk

Jul 15, 2012 20:24

Author: min7girl
Title:Confessing Manly Musk
Summary:Merlin and Arthur both confess things. Arthur to Merlin, Merlin to himself.
Author's Notes:Silliness

Merlin rolled his neck after a long day negotiating with two druidic tribes over which rights of spring and harvest would be acceptable with Camelot's new Magical laws. Based on his recommendations holidays and feasts might change a little. As a result Merlin was very wary of the whole process, but it was for Arthur. All of it was for him and his kingdom so of course he did it with a smile.

"What's wrong now?" Arthur pulled up behind a startled Merlin slinging a sweat soiled arm purposefully around his Court Sorcerer.

Lost in his own thoughts Merlin didn't even notice the approach of the king. Playfully he responded, "Nothing is wrong but your royal stench. Doesn't your new manservant know to have a change of clothes for you after you go practice with the Knights?"

Arthur raised a brow at Merlin suspiciously like Gaius would have if he was questioning Merlin's sanity. Arthur looked up and down the hall as if to assure they were the only ones in hearing distance. "You do realize that I only had you change me in the practice field tent because it was you right? I may not have been the best at seduction at the time, but I at least knew when I was looking my best."

"Arrogant. Conceited. You were a muscle bound sweaty bully, and I had to take off all that smelly stuff in that small tent because you thought you were turning me on?!?!"

"It worked didn't it?" Arthur smirked at Merlin.

Merlin waved his hand with a golden flash to his eyes, and Arthur stood before him in a fancy peach colored ball gown over his sweaty smelly body.

"Gwaine! Leon! The King needs to see you right away!" Merlin yelled with a smile as Arthur, his horribly sexy lover and ultimate reason for doing anything good and fun in life, ran full speed towards their chambers.

Merlin wouldn't change a thing.

*c:min7girl, pt 015:confessions, type:drabble, p:arthur/merlin, rating:pg-13

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