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Comments 42

curve January 18 2012, 02:10:27 UTC
P/R is #9?! I'm not sure if we can be friends anymore. :(

Ahaha just kidding. ;) The graphics on this are amazing.


samelthecamel January 18 2012, 02:14:56 UTC
Actually Rachel was #10 and I bumper her up. :P
I'm more amused by the fact that the top four will probably never happen.

Thank you. I'm glad you like them. ♥


caitriona_3 January 18 2012, 02:13:01 UTC
#9 is my favorite! #1 is pretty good though!

Fabulous graphics!


samelthecamel January 18 2012, 02:17:24 UTC
Thank you. My ships are pretty left field. ♥


(The comment has been removed)

samelthecamel January 18 2012, 02:25:41 UTC
Thank you. I wish there was more Puck/Tina scenes. :)


helinho January 18 2012, 02:24:10 UTC
I wrote Puck/Tina for the ship roulette challenge and I have a soft spot for it now! I LOVE THIS LIST! <3


samelthecamel January 18 2012, 02:29:24 UTC
I've had a soft spot them for a long time. Puck's pretty much been with everyone but Tina. It needs to happen.


misskitty373 January 18 2012, 02:26:11 UTC
Wait...Puck and Kurt are NOT #1? :O
I must say this list is very surprising lol I always picked you as a bigger Puckleberry fan than a Quick fan!
Puck & Tina make sense, but I assumed they would've been second ;P

Awesome picspams too <3


samelthecamel January 18 2012, 02:35:22 UTC
My favourite Puck scene ever is the flirty baking scene. I'm not that big a fan of current Quick, but that scene will forever be in my heart. Also the flashback with the wine-coolers is ultra hot. All the hottest Puck scenes are Quick. But I love all Puckships.

Puck/Kurt was my number one for a long long time, but lately I've been more into Sam and Finn with Puck. I haven't liked Kurt as much since Dalton I guess. *shrugs*

Puck/Tina is number one because it's the only ship I've made up imaginary scenarios in my head to for quite a while now. I love them too much.


misskitty373 January 20 2012, 11:47:35 UTC
Aw yeah, I was given Wheels for the episode review challenge and I fell in love with the baking scene all over again :3 I spent more time looking at gifs and graphics of that scene than I did writing the review lol


samelthecamel January 20 2012, 11:57:18 UTC
There's nothing better than some flirty baking. :3

If I had had that episode to review it would have just been a Puck review on that scene.


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