You actually may be able to crosspost via IFTTT-over at het_reccers, where I'm a mod, we've gotten it to work from Tumblr to LJ that way, using LJ's post-by-email feature (which does work for communities) as the conduit. The only catch is that (at least from Tumblr) the formatting doesn't always hold up, which we've been fixing manually. And tags don't cross over at all. But it's certainly better than having to manually crosspost everything-or miss an entry!
Do you mind explaining how you imported your archives over to DW? We'd been talking about doing that for a while, and automating it would certainly be preferable. Thanks :)
Ohhhh, that's a very interesting workaround for community crossposting! Thank you -- I may just give that a shot!
Importing the archives to DW was easy, because the regular DW importer will import communities as well, provided the same account owns the communities on LJ and DW. Instructions are here.
Do you mind explaining how you imported your archives over to DW? We'd been talking about doing that for a while, and automating it would certainly be preferable. Thanks :)
Importing the archives to DW was easy, because the regular DW importer will import communities as well, provided the same account owns the communities on LJ and DW. Instructions are here.
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