[Fic Masterlist] Avatar

Apr 12, 2012 16:35


Legend of Korra
Elysium [PG, one-shot, 12.6.12]
Korra/Mako/Bolin- 390 words
She misses the ice and the feeling of home. On her good days, she even misses her old teachers-they’d worked her hard, but she’d always appreciated it that much more. When she had the earth under her feet and fire in her fist, she could feel the connection she had with the planet.

The Last Airbender
If the Rain could Sing [R, one-shot]
Sokka/Zuko, Katara/Zuko- 2,311 words
The one that is needlessly dramatic and features character death and pining Sokka.

waterfalls [R, 12.20.12, one-shot]
Zuko/Katara/Aang, post-series- 574 words
They meet Toph in the center of the city and she greets them with friendly punches and loud, braying laughter that makes Zuko miss them all with a fierceness that he only feels during times like this, when they’ve all managed to gather in the same place at the same time. It makes him long for the days when they could all curl together on Appa’s back, the wind biting at their skin and eyes-before each of them became the faces of the nations.

What color is my aura now? [NC-17, drabble]
Ty Lee/Azula, post-series- 515 words
Years pass. Ty Lee doesn't like how quiet Azula is. Who says she can't administer her own kind of therapy?

Copper Piece for your Thoughts? [NC-17, drabble]
Sokka/Zuko- 450 words
In which Zuko is extremely distracted, Sokka makes meetings a little more interesting, and Aang is just a little horrified.

Such a Funny Way to Fall [Hard R/NC-17, drabble]
Sokka/Zuko- 646 words
The attraction is easier to accept than the respect he has for the other boy. Zuko thinks that it is probably impossible to meet Sokka and not want to shut the boy up somehow. Zuko just happens to want to shut Sokka up with his dick.

So Many Dirty Things [PG-15, mini-drabble]
Sokka- 91 words
Sokka likes to think Katara and Aang lucky.

The Mixed Tape [PG-13, drabble]
Aang/Zuko- 395 words
He's starved for his family, misses them as much as he hates them and for the life of him he can't remember why he'd given it all up- and then Aang strokes a hand across the scar on his chest, wraps one slim leg around Zuko's hip, squints at the sun shining past silken curtains and Zuko remembers.

Competitive [NC-17, drabble]
Ty Lee/Sokka- 203 words
In which Ty Lee likes the way that Sokka wears the Kyoshi uniform and thinks that he makes a very pretty girl. Written for na_no_nai.

Needy [R, drabble]
Jet/Zuko- 295 words
"If that's what you need, then do it already!" Inspired by one of luco_millians sketches. Written for na_no_nai.

Vampires Will Never Hurt You [PG, drabble]
Zuko/Toph- 529 words
Toph would be the most BAMF vamp ever. ...Zuko might keep up. For rudy_flamthrowa.

Injury [PG-13]
Zuko/Aang- 228 words
He's the Avatar. He saved the world from Fire Lord Ozai- the least he can do is save Fire Lord Zuko from the world.

Little Candle-Wax Sculptures [R, drabble]
Zuko, Sokka, Azula, Hakoda- 656 words
What if Sokka and Zuko never made it off the Boiling Rock?

Better Luck Next Time [PG-15, drabble]
Genderswitch: Zuko & Azula- 264 words
She hits the dirt hard, neck snapping back awkwardly and pain chasing specks of red across the inside of her eyelids and it's nothing compared to the feel of Azulo's boot against her chest, pressing down, down, down until she's wheezing for air and their tutors are scrambling to tear them apart.

No Need [PG, drabble]
Genderswitch: Aang, Aang/Katara- 602 words
Episode 301 told from the POV of femme!Aang.

Hook, Line and Shotgun Wedding [R, one-shot]
Jet/Zuko- 1,372 words
Zuko finds out that Jet's alive three years into his reign as Fire Lord when the terrorist comes charging into his office. Somewhere along the way, they get married.

Love Is... [PG-13, drabble]
Mai/Zuko- 750 words
When Mai is seven, true love finds her in the form of Azula's big brother. It's a bit cliche, falling for the crowned prince, but she falls for him nevertheless.

What If It Takes Your Breath [NC-17, drabble]
Zuko/Mai, Zuko/Jet- 210 words
When asked, he will always answer, "Mai was my first," tone carefully laced with affection, colored with a bit of nostalgia for spice.

If You Want Something... [NC-17, drabble]
Toph/Sokka- 580 words
The one where Toph kind of takes advantage of Sokka because she wants to win a bet.

and then it rises with the fall [R, drabble]
Zuko/Sokka(/Jet)- 651 words
Dark Month: Day 2, It's always dark. Featuring ghost!Jet and Zuko and Sokka's reincarnations.

but everything changed when the fire nat, fic masterlist, dont let the caving get you down sokkaaa

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