Date #3

Apr 11, 2010 10:37

Date #3 went well, too.  This one was with the Guy from Last Year.  I could tell he was nervous at first, but we got a good conversation going.  He told me about his trip to Alaska, I told him about my trip to England and he loosened up. He made me laugh. He's definitely a laid back, quiet sort of guy, but with a wicked sense of humour.  After ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

citizen247 April 12 2010, 14:41:02 UTC
So this is on-line dating? Like or something?


callmeserenity April 12 2010, 21:48:05 UTC
yup. Only and

I can't speak for everyone, but it hasn't been a bad experience so far.


citizen247 April 12 2010, 22:15:51 UTC
I keep seeing links for plentyoffish, it's everywhere. It's like the slut of dating websites, make sure your computer's anti-virus is up to date :p.


callmeserenity April 13 2010, 10:45:46 UTC
It is! Thanks for your concern.


embers_log April 12 2010, 15:01:36 UTC
Oh I'm glad you went out again w/Mr. Last Year... I like a quiet guy w/a sharp sense of humor, and it is a really good sign that he was up for trying new things and enjoying what is happening... These are really good qualities!

Besides it is nice to have two guys to go out with! lol


callmeserenity April 12 2010, 21:48:42 UTC
And I'm seeing the Doctor again tonight! eeep! I was hoping to have a social life and now I find I am very very busy!


wildigital April 12 2010, 22:50:00 UTC
Sounds good fun - even if he doesn't work out romantically, he sounds like good company on trips out. What are you thinking of New Who by the way? Do you get to see any of the Confidentials (the behind the scenes shows)?


callmeserenity April 13 2010, 10:47:16 UTC
So far I'm liking the New Who. He's got an interesting twist on the character. He's no DT, though!! And no, I haven't seen Confidentials yet, I'll have to check those out later.


Hello there. pixie_k June 19 2010, 14:40:59 UTC
I think I might know you. I think.

If you ever had a Thunderbird that someone's mom backed into, that mom is still sorry for that. If you ever had a ridiculously fragile apple seed necklace that you gave to a friend, the necklace did not survive the years. If you ever played a summer long game of rummy before you went off to college, I miss you.

If I'm mistaken, then I'm sorry. Either way, please be kind enough to let me know if I should keep looking, or if I've found the person I seek.

Thank you.


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