The Three Date Weekend

Apr 08, 2010 22:23

Ok, so I've started online dating. I decided it was time to get out there again. So last Friday I went out with a guy we'll call The Doctor (not THAT Doctor. I totally wish). We met for lunch at the mall and then walked around a park.  It was nice. He's very smart and interesting so we talked all about smart, interesting, intellectual things.  But ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

embers_log April 9 2010, 04:13:55 UTC
Wow! Great!
Do any of them enjoy running?
I'm glad the Doctor got a second date and that it went well, and I'm glad you're seeing a Sci-fi nerd (mailmen have good steady jobs, and I'm sure he'll be very interested in your DragonCon stories!). You'll have to tell us more about the Guy From Last Year (?).
Have fun!


callmeserenity April 9 2010, 15:04:01 UTC
The Doctor runs! I already talked to the Mailman about D*C and he was jealous. And, The Guy From Last Year I met briefly online right around when I met John and so it never went anything past a few emails, but he remembered me and I remembered him and so we started emailing again.

Nothing terribly exciting, yet, but we'll see how it goes!


embers_log April 10 2010, 02:39:34 UTC
I hope you plan to give us a full report, now that you've gotten us all interested!


ancientgirl April 9 2010, 12:08:01 UTC
Good luck. I hope you find someone nice and interesting. Lord knows one of us has to. My online prospects have all been duds so far.


callmeserenity April 9 2010, 15:05:43 UTC
My friend Corrie has been out with 16 different men in the last year and they've all turned out to be Buffa-losers. But she's gone out with a new guy and he's so far been great, so we've got our fingers crossed. It's not fair that the last time I tried online dating I ended up in a 9 month relationship with the first guy I met, so I don't expect to have that kind of good luck again.


ancientgirl April 9 2010, 15:17:42 UTC
It sure does suck doesn't it? I almost feel like some of these guys figure we're single and getting older so we must be desperate.


callmeserenity April 9 2010, 20:10:11 UTC
It's very sad. I haven't had any horrible dates yet (well, I had a really boring one last year, but that was awhile ago.) but I'm sure they will happen.

I've gotten some interesting messages, though. More than one "proposal". ew. Men are gross.


wildigital April 9 2010, 20:03:10 UTC
Sounds like some interesting prospects there - bonus marks to the guy who managed to recover from the non-kiss, very tricky to do. I'm afraid in my head they look like Matt Smith, Cliff Clavin and Ted from Scrubs (who had an acapella band). Helen has the slightly more flattering image of the teacher from Glee - I presume she doesn't mean the one who lost his thumbs.

But we hope you enjoy the dates - so modern compared to things in England where our parents make formal introductions and unions are proposed within weeks (can you tell I'm re-reading Pride and Prejudice?).


callmeserenity April 9 2010, 20:12:15 UTC

The Doctor is a bald Indian, the mailman is tall and skinny and The Guy from last year definitely looks more like Will from Glee than Ted from Scrubs. :P

After you reread Pride & Prejudice, are you going to read Pride & Prejudice & Zombies? I highly recommend it.


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