I had been looking forwards to this, until I saw the trailer, and heard the dialogue being rattled out at a million miles an hour. I suspected then that this was not going to be my cup of tea, and your review confirms it.
It is my favourite, too. I enjoyed the film but thought that it was a long way from what Jane Austen would have intended. I don't think I was disappointed (I saw it at the cinema, so it was a lot of fun), but it was not the Emma of my imagination!
Emma is my favourite Austen too. I quite enjoyed this but not a patch on the novel. My favourite adaptation so far was the Romona Garai version but I think this is because I like her as an actress.
I like Romola Garai (good in I Capture the Castle) but I couldn't even finish the first episode of that production of Emma. The awful 'Once upon a Time' beginning was enough to put anyone off. Far better to stick to the book; film and TV productions always miss the humour.
Comments 8
Honourable exceptions: Ang Lee's Sense & Sensibility and the BBC Pride & Prejudice adaptation. Can't think of any others off the top of my head.
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