Title: The Unexpected, 6/?
Fandom: WMC/CM Crossover
Pairing: Emily/Cindy; Cindy/Lindsay and Emily/JJ implied, if you squint really hard.
Rating: Probably PG/PG-13 for right now. There will definitely be some NC-17 at some point, but I’ll forewarn you.
Disclaimer: Don’t own a damn thing except what’s in my head! If I did, I wouldn’t have to write these
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Comments 14
I can't wait for more Emily/Cindy but I really love how you write the other characters so genuinely, ie Morgan, Reid & Garcia.
I'm itching to get to more Emily/Cindy too, but I wanted it to flow in a realistic way. If I'm doing that and doing a good job at it, then I'm quite happy.
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