[ooc] Permissions

May 22, 2010 03:16



Backtagging: Totes fine with me. Do it~!
Threadhopping: Oh yesssss, I adore it.
Fourthwalling: Unlikely, but sure. Best not to tell him what happens to him and Kanda though (see warning below).
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'm pretty open to any subjects and plots, but it's nice to check with me before you pull out something reeeeeally bad.


Hugging this character: Oh yes, do it! He's so cute and needs lots of hugs.
Kissing this character: You can but expect him to be UTTERLY CONFUSED. WHAT DID YOU JUST DO TO MY FACE?
Flirting with this character: Will probably go right over his head, but have fun trying?
Dating this character: I'm open to many sorts of relationships with him, just ask me first!
Fighting with this character: He's bound to get into fights sooner or later, so this is encouraged.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Most things are fine with me. Please contact me for things passed broken bones/things that don't heal easily--but he does have epic healing abilities, so chances are it'll gone in a few moments.
Killing this character: I have no problems with people killing him within the realms of a plot, as long as you talk to me beforehand.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure, I don't see why not. His mind is mostly childish until you dig a bit deeper and you find this deep rooted hatred.

Warnings: Alma does have trigger points in canon, that send him into a sucidial killing rampage.

[ Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme!]

!ooc - route_29

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