Gravity 6/6

Jan 02, 2009 21:27

Gravity 6/6

Title: Gravity 6/6
Pairing: Callie/Addison
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All characters, events, settings and situations mentioned in this work are sole property of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for profit, in constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a  fictional context and are not intended to be defamatory or factual in anyway.  
Summary: “Addison’s a lesbian.”


I leave here on my knees
As I try to make you see
That you’re everything I think I need here on the ground
But you’re neither friend nor foe
Though I cant seem to let you go
One thing that I still know is that you’re keeping me down
You’re onto me and all over me
Something always brings me back to you
It never takes too long


“If you could have anything right now, what would it be?” Addison asks from her resting position in the large Archfield bathtub, Callie nestled between her thighs in front of her, wet, dark head of waves resting back against her shoulder, soapy smooth arms resting on the rim of the tub, “Hmm?” Addison asks again, leaning forward to press her lips to Callie’s ear.

Callie smiles and slowly opens her eyes, smoothing her hand over Addison’s knee, droplets of water dripping down a porcelain thigh, “Are we talking long term wise, or…chocolate truffle snack-related?”

Addison laughs softly, enjoying the feel of Callie’s back against her bare chest. She doesn’t even mind, at this point, that the small towel she was using as a pillow has long fallen off the edge of the tub, “Both.” She responds, moving her hand from where it is, loosely hanging off the tub, to lather whatever water she can scoop in her palm from Callie’s shoulder, all the way down until she’s linked her fingers together.

“Well, like I said--” She replies, lifting both their linked hands to view them carefully, turning then one way and the other, their fingers intertwined like a web, kind of like they are most of the time. Tangled up in each other, figuratively and literally  George comes to mind. Her husband, being quiet and secretive. She wonders if it will be like that the rest of their lives--if they even get there--if maybe kids would fix any of it. She thinks about Addison and the first time they met and how easily they fell into each other. She likes to think they had no choice in the matter, it makes her think less about what they’re doing, hiding and keeping secrets. Kind of like her husband, “--chocolate truffle sounds good. And generally--” She sighs and licks her lips as she thinks carefully, “--I just want something easy, I guess. Something that‘s not so god damned complicated and full of questions or--doubt all the time.”

Addison raises her free hand, her elbow perched on the ledge of the tub as she braces the side of her head on the heel of her hand, breathing calmly even though her heart is always racing around her. “What about you?” She hears her ask, and it takes her only a moment to reply without thinking, “I think I want some of that chocolate truffle. And really just a little bit more of this--more of you and us…”

Callie pops a tiny bubble that has floated up from the tub and then runs the tip of her finger over Addison’s knee, “All you have to do is ask.”

“Is that all it takes, really?” Addison asks, grinning when Callie turns her head and looks up at her with a smile that is just ridiculously addictive. Their eyes meet for a moment and Addison can’t help but feel longing. Like she’s a mile away, even though she’s in her arms. “I wish it was that easy.”


“Should we say something?”

“No, shut up, it’s none of our business, we can’t butt in.”

“Well, then why are we here?”

Addison rolls her eyes at the sound of Cooper and Dell bickering behind her, then opts to clear her throat and cut right to the chase, “So, Kevin. Kev.” She smiles and reaches out to punch him playfully on the knee, “--what’s up, Kev?”

“I’ve missed you.” he blurts, and Addison’s eyes widen as she holds her breath and does everything to keep from running in the opposite direction. For an instant, she wishes the ground would just do her this one favor and open up and swallow her whole. She wishes she was someone else in this instant because there is a wonderful, handsome man sitting in front of her, telling her he’s missed her, and all she can do is think about how pissed Callie probably is and how much she’d rather be next door on the receiving end of Callie’s jealous wrath, than here, on her deck with the wonderful man with the kind smile.

She figures it’s better to just rip the band aid and opens her mouth to speak, before Cooper beats her to the punch and blurts from behind her, “Addison’s a lesbian.”, and she instantly turns around to glare at him over her shoulder. It’s apparently effective, because he literally takes a frightful step back and semi-ducks, as if she had made a move to throw something.

“What??” Kevin asks and all Addison can do is let out a dorky, painfully nervous chuckle, accompanied with a snort as Dell snickers at Cooper and lets him know she will most definitely kill him, “Addison, what?” She hears Kevin ask again, and that’s when she realizes she’s somehow managed to hide behindd her palm.

She quickly lowers her hand from her face and takes a deep breath, “It’s uh--complicated--and a long--long story.”

“What’s the short version?”

“I’m in love with a woman.” She says apologetically, shrugging, “Been painfully in love with her for a while. Been--stupidly avoiding that love for too long and now--we’re together.”

There’s silence. A long silence. If there’s anything Addison hates is uncomfortable silence because it always brings chaos.

“You’re kidding me right?” Kevin says with a laugh, “You’re kidding. You have to be kidding.”

“I’m--not, actually--” She says, confused, “--I’m sorry, I don’t see the humor in the situation.”

“Addison, are you--you’re a lesbian?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say that I’m a lesbian per say--I mean--”

“Oh, I WOULD say.” Cooper clarifies, then adds proudly, “I saw it.” He pulls Dell in front of him as Addison turns again and shoots spears with her eyes, “Sorry.”

“Look, Kevin--” She takes a deep breath, then leans forward, her elbows resting on her lap, “--I’m sorry, but--I really am taken. I’ve--been taken for a while--even before she and I were official. I mean--”

“Wait--” He says, holding his hand up, “--were you--no--were you in love with this woman when we were together??”

She winces, sitting back in her seat, then says in a small voice, “Yeah.”


“Kevin, I hope you don’t feel--emasculated or--anything.”

Cooper stifles his own laugh and Kevin quickly rises to his feet, “I do not feel emasculated!”

“Well--” Addison starts to mumble, “--good! That’s good! Yay!”

“Yay!” Cooper and Dell echo quietly as Kevin directs his glare at them for a fleeting second.

“Addison--” He starts, sitting beside her and holding her hand in his, “--I’ve--missed you. I--made a mistake--”

“No.” She says softly, “No, Kevin. I made a mistake, thinking I could pull a shade over this thing I felt with a relationship with you and I’m--I’m so sorry, Kevin.” She says earnestly and she feels for him and the hurt she sees in his eyes.

He releases his hold on her hand slowly and turns away for a moment. A moment that is just way too long because Addison is doing everything but look at her watch now. It’s going surprisingly well, but Callie must be livid by now.

Kevin sighs heavily and wrings his hands anxiously before sitting back, resigned, then looks over at Addison, “Well, what does she do? What’s her name?”

Addison smiles at the thought of her and sits back comfortably, “Her name is Callie.” She says, then adds proudly, “And she’s an Orthopedic Surgeon.”

His eyebrows go up in amusement, “Wow--glad this thing went well then, huh?” He motions between them, “She would have really kicked my ass.”

“Oh, trust me, she’d hurt you real good.” She says with a wink.

Cooper looks over at Dell and leans in closely, “I think it’s safe to say she didn’t need us.”

Dell nods in agreement and replies in a whisper, “But they don’t have to know that.”


“Do you think he’s trying to kiss her again?” Callie asks, eyes narrowed as she lounges against the comfortable leather of Sam’s couch, and glares at the wall.

“Uh--” Naomi starts, leaning forward in her seat to get a better look at Callie, who is sitting beside her, “--Callie, I’m sure Addy’s got it. She’s a smart girl, she’s--”

“She had better have it.” Callie cuts in with a bitter chuckle.

“Oh my god, I smell bloodshed.” Sam mumbles under his breath as he rubs his temple and turns to head back into the kitchen.

“It’s going to be fine.” Naomi says, enthusiastically patting Callie’s knee.

“Oh my god, Cooper might be crying.” Violet cuts in, laughing as she steps inside from the deck, “She just kicked both him, and Dell off her back porch.”

“What?” Callie asks, finally tearing her eyes from the wall and turning towards Violet, “Why? Is she still outside?”

“I don’t know--” Violet says honestly and quickly steps aside when Cooper comes running in, Dell close behind, “What the hell’s going on?” She asks as Cooper dodges tripping on the coffee table by about an inch.

“Close the door- close the door!” Cooper demands breathlessly, but Violet just stares back  confusedly.

“Charlotte’s here.” Dell says dryly, flopping down between Callie and Naomi before the group groan in response.

Callie looks around, confused, forgetting for just a second about Addison and the ex-boyfriend, to ask, “Who’s Charlotte?” She turns in time to see a the petite blonde storm in, fury in her eyes. Callie’s eyebrows lift in amusement at the bold little woman walking right in as if she knows the place. From the look on Sam’s face, however, Callie can tell she does not know the place.

“Cooper--this is ridiculous.” Charlotte demands from across the room, completely ignoring all other people present.

“Get out.” Cooper says point blankly.

Charlotte rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest before replying in a southern twang Callie finds kind of amusing, “Cooper, I TOLD you we’re even, what is your problem?”

“My problem is you!” He says loudly, “Here! We broke up!”

“No, we didn’t.” She says, then sighs heavily in frustration as Cooper shakes his head and turns to leave in the opposite direction. Her hands fall to her sides, and she turns to her right at spotting Callie, “Your face is new. Who are you?”

“It’s very nice to meet you, my name is Charlotte, may I ask what YOUR name is?” Violet says from where she’s taken a seat in an armchair and rolls her eyes at Charlotte before adding under her breath, “Typical--”

“Its’ very nice to meet you--’ Charlotte starts, holding her hand out to Callie, “--my name is Charlotte. Who the hell are you?”

Callie snorts a laugh, but shakes’ the woman’s hand anyway. She’s got balls. She likes that, “I’m Callie. I’m--” She stops to think about how to tell a total stranger the story of why she’s sitting there in less than an hour, but she can’t find a way, so she simply replies, “--I’m with Addison.”

“The lesbian.” Charlotte says with a knowing smile as she shakes Callie’s hand.

“Wow--” Callie says as Charlotte stands back and looks her up and down, “--I feel exposed and for the first time in my life, I don’t like it.”

“I always knew Montgomery had a little gay in her.” Charlotte says, eyeing Callie appreciatively, “We know our own. She has good taste.”

At this, Cooper stomps out of the kitchen, brownie in his mouth, “You’re not gay!”

“I never said I was gay.” Charlotte replies sternly, then adds teasingly, “You just didn’t stick around long enough to see all the kinks.”

Callie chuckles and shakes her head, disbelieving, “This is--a sitcom.”

“Who’s the guy Montgomery’s hugging out there?” Charlotte asks and she jumps back at all the glaring eyes pointed in her direction all at once as Callie sighs and drops her head back against the sofa backrest, “What!” She hisses at the group, just as Addison steps in, wide nervous smile at on her face.

“Hey!” She greets the room, then laughs nervously at all the eyes on her, “What’s going on?”

“May the rainbow shine brightly on you, Montgomery.” Charlotte says jokingly, then quickly follows Cooper out the front door.

“What?” Addison asks, directing the question at Naomi when Sam doesn’t answer her. She catches Callie watching her, however, and she can’t help but sigh, “Hey.” She says softly, tucking her hands in her pant pockets, “Can I talk to you? Outside?”

“Yeah.” Callie says shortly, getting up and breezing past her through the glass, sliding doors.

“Shit.” Addison says as Naomi and Violet look at her sympathetically.

“We’ll be here--” Naomi tells her reassuringly, “--you know, in case she strangles you or something.”

“Thanks.” Addison replies sarcastically, glaring at her friend as she steps out onto the balcony.


Addison shuts the sliding, glass door behind her and steps cautiously toward Callie, who’s waiting patiently with her arms crossed over her chest, on the other end of the long deck.

“That looked like a good kiss.” Callie says, fake enthusiasm dripping from her tone as she smiles over at Addison, but she starts to feel silly when Addison gives her that look. The tilt of the head to the side look that says she SHOULD be feeling silly because it was HE who kissed her and not the other way around. Still, she can’t help but feel cheated on. She shakes her head and looks away, only looking up when she feels Addison standing in front of her. She sneers at the redhead when she finds her smirking back, “Do not smile at me.” She says, warning in her voice.

“It’s just that I see it now.” Addison says apologetically, gently touching Callie’s crossed arms.

“What?” Callie asks.

Addison leans forward as she gently brushes a strand out of Callie’s face, “This jealousy thing IS kind of hot.”

Callie rolls her eyes and makes an attempt to move away, her arms dropping to her sides, but Addison catches her hips before she can leave, “I’m glad you think this is funny.”

“I don’t.” Addison clarifies, making she sure she hears her as she forces her to look her in the eyes, “I just don’t want you to think there was anything to that kiss because it was completely and utterly on sided. Okay?” Callie doesn’t reply as she stares back at her with a slight pout, “Okay??”

“Okay.” Callie says, mostly just to get her to shut up already, then asks after a second, “What did he want?”

“To tell me he’s missed me.” She says honestly, her eyes never leaving Callie’s, her hands firmly gripping her hips, just in case she’s thinking about making a run for it, “And then Cooper outed me.” Callie smiles slightly and Addison nods, “I thought  you’d find that amusing.” She smiles back before continuing, “So I told him I’m in love with this hot blooded, stubborn, somewhat bratty, but really sexy and a wild fire in the sack, bone crusher who would tear him a new one if he touched me again.” Callie smiles again, a little wider this time and Addison can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, “He was a little bent out of shape at finding out I was thinking about you most of the times that we had sex, but he got over it.” They laugh together as Addison steps closer and one of her hands slips higher up the curve of Callie’s waist, “I wanted him to know I’m with YOU. You’re with me. And I NEED--I need YOU to know that as well. You’re stuck with me now. You can’t shake me off.”

Callie thinks for a second about how much she so doesn’t want to shake her off and in that instant, she understands exactly why Addison feels the way she does whenever Erica is around, “I’m sorry.”

Addison seems confused and she asks, “Sorry for what?”

“For not getting it. About you and Erica. But let me tell you, I have tasted my own medicine, and it is bitter.”

Addison laughs and leans in to touch her lips briefly to Callie’s, only to hear her mumble that she needs another one, and so she more than willingly presses her lips to hers again, lingering there as their lips do a silent dance  and they eventually get too lost in each other to recognize and stop to think that maybe making out on someone else’s back porch, warm body pressed flush against the other and somewhat groping might not be appropriate.

Just as Callie’s hands slip back where her fingers barely touch the swell of Addison’s ass and Addison’s fingers are unknowingly already tugging at the belt loops of Callie’s jeans, they hear a soft clatter behind them, and Callie jerks back suddenly just in time for both of them to catch Sam almost drop a lamp as he, Naomi and Dell pretend not to have been watching.

“Oh god--” Addison groans as Callie stifles a laugh against the crook of her neck.


Addison sits on her bed, her back against the headboard, a movie she’s not really paying attention to is playing softly on the television on the far end of the room, and the reason she’s not paying attention to said movie, is lying on her stomach in exactly the same position she was about a week ago, when they decided to take their little vacation and come to Los Angeles.

Callie’s got a magazine in front of her, her ankles crossed in the air as she swings her bare legs back and forth, the black boy shorts she’s wearing riding up just slightly, then back into place with very swing of her legs, revealing just enough to keep Addison transfixed but never really revealing more that the slight swell of a cheek. She laughs at something that’s going on in the film. It’s an old Steve Martin flick Addison’s seen a million times with Callie, but she really can’t seem to pay attention because her attention is elsewhere.

She sighs heavily as her eyes wonder up where the waistband of Callie’s panties meets the hem of the matching tank top she slipped on after the shower. She’s always secretly loved that on a day off, Callie thinks nothing of lounging around in her underwear all day. Addison, for one, is all up for that.

Callie laughs again and this time, it bring Addison’s eyes to roam over the arch of Callie’s spine and then higher up where she can see her shoulder blades and back muscles flex every time she shifts, her hair sliding, stand by strand, over her shoulder and back.

“Marry me.”

It’s a soft, low, low request, but it’s a request nonetheless and Addison is sure Callie’s heard her because her legs have stopped moving, she’s also stopped paying attention to the movie, and she’s almost sure she’s stopped breathing as well.

Callie’s, for lack of a better word, stunned.

One minute, she’s watching ‘Parenthood’. And the next--she’s being proposed to. She thinks. She’s sure she heard it, but Addison hasn’t moved or said anything else, so she’s not really sure it’s happened. So she opts to freak out in silence.

She takes a few deep breaths, then decides enough is enough, so she turns her head over her shoulder and catches Addison staring back, “What?”

“Marry me.” Addison says again, just as soft and just as full of love as the first time and Callie’s never heard anything more beautiful in her entire life.

“What?” She asks again, moving to sit up, facing her, her heat pounding in her chest.

“Right here--” Addison replies, rising up to her knees as she scoots closer to Callie, “--right now--” She sits in front of Callie, parting her knees so she can slip between them and get as close as she can possibly get, “--doing nothing and just watching TV with you--” Her legs slip under Callie’s pulling her closer so that her Callie is just about straddling her lap, “--I’ve never been happier.” She clears her throat, forcing herself to not get too emotional, “I just know. Right now. This Moment. That I want to be with you for as long as we can manage.” There’s a slight frown on Callie’s face and Addison’s getting a little worried because she can’t read her expression, “You should probably say something right about now. IF you‘re not freaking out, I mean. No pressure…’

“I am freaking out.” Callie blurts honestly, and stammers, at a loss for words, “I mean, I’m not a commitment-phobe. You know that. I know that.”

“George ruined your love for commitment.” Addison says sadly.

“What?” Callie asks, pouting along with Addison, but smiling slightly.

“He ruined you!” Addison exclaims, slightly worried, “You were all about the happily ever afters and now, he’s cheated on you, made YOU cheat and then--” She steps and looks up in realization, “--oh my god, I helped. I helped ruin you with all my indecision and childish fear, and now you feel like I want to steal you away and put you in a tiny locket where I can keep you forever and all you want is to run off far away from me and just--sleep with people and--”

“Shut up for a second!” Callie says, her yes wide with astonishment, “Wow! When you freak out--” She waves her hands as she searches for the words, “--you FREAK OUT! I’m--I don’t even know what to say--” She says with a nervous laugh.

“Don’t laugh!”

“I’m not!” Callie cuts in, cradling Addison’s and dropping a quick kiss on her lips, “I’m not laughing AT you.”

“Really? Because it looks like you are--’

“No, this is nervous laughing. Nervous laughter, I swear. I’m just--” She laughs again, “--see? With the nerves…I’m just--watching Steve Martin clean up baby puke, and then you tell me this. It’s a little nerve-wrecking, Ads.”

“Is that a no?” Addison asks, put still in place, her eyes glued to her lap.

“No, that’s not a no--” Callie says with a laugh.

“Stop laughing!”

“I’m sorry! But you look like a child right now!” She says through a giggle, then tilts Addison’s chin up, “Look at me.” She smiles apologetically, “You caught me off guard. That’s all I was saying.”


“And now I’m saying--” She says softly, “--that I would love for you to put me in a locket and hang me on a gold chain. Do you know why?”

“Why?” Addison asks, smiling automatically as Callie smiles back.

“Because I would be hanging from that little chain right between your boobs.” She says, smiling against Addison’s lips as she crushes her mouth to hers and laughs as she pulls away, “That’s my favorite place to be.”

“You’re such a bitch.” Addison says in between chuckles, “You’re a bitch!”

“I love you.” Callie says and smiles when Addison looks at her, “And while I was freaking out just now and then you were freaking out, I’ve realized that yes. I want to marry you. We should get married.”



“Really.” Addison repeats, her hands sliding over Callie’s thighs, caressing her gently, “REALLY.”


“You said yes.” Addison says, then blushes shyly, “I love you.”

“I love you.” Callie echoes as Addison kisses her and gently pushes her onto her back.

Addison pulls back and smiles down at Callie, then frowns, “Should I get you a ring?”

Callie thinks for a moment, “Um--I don’t know. Should I get YOU a ring?”

Addison bites her lips, then perks up, “We can get matching engagement bands.”

“We’re huge lesbionic lesbians.” Callie says through a laugh, “When did that happen?”

“I don’t know.” Addison shakes her head and they both dissolve into laughter. After a few minutes of kissing, Addison pulls away again, “Are my boobs really your favorite place to be?”

“Among others.” Callie says wickedly, before flipping them over until she’s got Addison securely trapped under her, “Let me show you.”



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