I'm Your Man- Part Deux

Oct 16, 2006 18:33

Title: I’m Your Man
Rating: R/NC 17
Pairings: Callie/Addison
Summary: Callie and Addison run into each other at the hotel. In a semi-alternate universe. They have been hiding a brief encounter from the past.
(this is part two. Enjoy. And if you would and could, please review J )
Disclaimer: They’re not mine. They belong to she who’s floor she walks on we worship.


Addison stood outside Callie’s room. She sighed and fidgets with her shirt. She changed her clothes. She now wore a pair of old jeans and a black Ramones tee shirt, her air fresh from the shower and a pair of black flat shoes. She sighed again, letting out all the nervous energy in her body. She shook her head then froze in deep thought.

“You changed your clothes?”

She groaned, annoyed with herself.


Callie laughed before reaching for Addison. She placed her hand on the crook of her neck, cradling her head as she leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. Pressing her against the wall in the hallway. Addison pulled Callie closer, feeling her body against hers and biting gently on her bottom lip. She moved her hand under Callie’s shirt and ran her palm over her bare back then ran her nails gently over the soft skin. This was the good thing about sex with a girl. Soft skin everywhere. Her hands moved towards Callie’s jeans zipper involuntarily and she felt her hand stop her as she broke their kiss.

“We’re in the hallway.”

Callie managed to breathe out. They stood in the hospital hallway. The tunnels, virtually empty as always.

“You should have thought about that before you kissed me.”

Addison pulled Callie inside the nearest broom closet, slammed the door closed and pushed her against it. She looked Callie in the eyes, pushed her hair back and away from her face and smiled before leaning in to kiss her again. As Callie made an attempt at pulling at the hem of Addison’s shirt, she felt her hands being pushed above her head. Before she could protest, Addison moved her right hand to her jeans, unbuttoned, unzipped and slipped her hand inside them while holding her hands in place against the door with the other. She gasped and rested her forehead against Addison’s as her fingers moved inside her. She groaned and moaned as she began to feel a pressure at the pit of her stomach begin to build up and Addison finally let go of her wrists.

Addison kissed Callie’s neck and braced herself on the door as Callie grabbed hold of her hair with one hand and pulled at her shirt with the other. Soon enough she began to shake as her orgasm started to take over. A couple of minutes later, Callie barely stood against the door, panting, her head resting on Addison’s shoulder. She looked up slowly, still dazed, blinked until she could see straight again and found herself looking at a smiling Addison. She smiled back.

“You seem proud of yourself.”
“I am.”
“Thank you.”
“Thank you?”

Addison asked, her eyebrows raised. Callie laughed then reached for Addison again.


Addison decided Callie wasn’t opening the door. She turned on her heel and began to walk away when she heard the door to Callie’s Hotel room creak open and she spins back around.

“Did you change your mind?”

Callie stood in the doorframe, watching Addison stumble as she takes a couple of steps forward.

“Um. No. I just, I thought you weren’t--”

She stopped, looked at Callie and decided to not milk it.

“--you opened the door.”
“Yeah. I opened the door.”
“So, I had this whole speech prepared about why you should open the door, you know in case you didn’t--well, not so much a speech as a list of reasons--”

Addison began, coming near Callie. She stopped only inches away.

“--you want to hear them anyway?”

She whispered, reaching up to play with a strand of Callie’s hair. Callie smirked.

“Well, I don’t remember all of them but, one reason is, we’re the same height--”

Callie nods as Addison slowly wraps her arm around her waist.

“--actually that’s all I’ve got. I was really hoping you’d open the door before I had to use the speech.”
“Shut up before I change my mind.”


Addison opened her eyes slowly and winced as the sunlight from the window hit her eyes. She began to protest but decided against it once she saw Callie sleeping next to her. Her long hair in her eyes, the sunlight laying softly on her naked back, half covered by the bed sheet. She moved slowly, pushed Callie’s hair aside and kissed her shoulder, then her neck and her back, finally making her stir.

“mmm, it’s Sunday…too early.”

She mumbled, her eyes still closed. Addison smiled as she rested her neck on Callie’s shoulder.

“The sun bitch slapped my eyes so I thought you could suffer with me.”
“You suck.”
“Come on. Wake up.”

Addison moved to kiss Callie’s lips but she would not respond. She kissed her again and again until Callie finally opened her eyes and laughed.

“You’re pushy.”

She said before flipping over on her back and Addison moved on top of her, kissing her way down her neck. Someone’s phone rang and Addison groaned in protest before moving off Callie.

“Is it mine or yours?”
“I don’t know.”

Addison reached under the bed and after a few seconds pulled out a ringing cell phone.

“It’s yours.”

She handed it to Callie and watched her as she answered it.

“Hello? Hi--George.”

Callie sat up and pulled the sheets up to cover herself. Addison sat up as well and turned her head uncomfortably. She immediately saw the guilt in Callie’s face and couldn’t help but feel it herself, but she also felt angry. Angry at George for ruining her morning with Callie. She cleared her throat and stood up and began to walk around collecting her clothes. She looked at Callie one last time and she looked back at her as she spoke on the phone.

“I know. Yeah. We should talk about it. I know.”

Addison walked into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her, making Callie close her eyes in regret, but regret for what she wasn’t sure. Whether it was regret for cheating on her boyfriend whom she still cared about or regret for caring about the girl in the bathroom. She said goodbye to George after agreeing to see him later and hung up the phone. She sighed heavily and buried her head in her hands.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh snap! I kinda liked this one lol damn Alex, cocky much? Do ya’ll like it? Let me know.
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