I'm Your Man

Oct 11, 2006 08:17

Title: I’m Your Man
Rating: PG13
Pairings: Callie/Addison, Callie/ George implied, Addison/Derek implied, Addison/Mark implied
Summary: Callie and Addison run into each other at the hotel. In a semi-alternate universe. They have been hiding a brief encounter from the past.

If you want a lover, I’ll do anything you ask me to, and if you want another kind of love, I’ll wear a mask for you. If you want a partner take my hand or if you want to strike down in anger, here I stand. I’m your man. If you want a boxer, I will step into the ring for you, and if you want a Doctor, I’ll examine every inch of you. If you want a driver climb inside, or if you want to take me for a ride, you know you can. I’m your man.
Notes: I am a huge Leonard Cohen fan and I love this song, and George has been getting on my nerves lately so I wrote this. Hope you like it! And if you don’t that’s okay too.

Callie stepped into the elevator, on her way to her hotel room. Two days and she still had not found a decent apartment near the hospital, and to add insult to injury, George was still being impossible and childish. All she wanted to do was take a bath and go to bed.

She pushed the button to the twentieth floor, and just as the doors were closing she heard a woman’s voice call for someone to hold the elevator. As she pushed the red button and the doors slid open again, a mess of red hair appeared in front of her. She felt a familiar rush as the tall redhead stumbled into the elevator and almost bumped into her. She let out a gasp as the woman looked at her and smiled, recognizing her.

“Hey Callie.”
“Hi, Addison.”

The elevator doors closed and filled the small room with silence. Addison looked at Callie, breathless from her sprint to the elevator. She smiled wider, feeling the tension grow between them but not moving from where she stood, only inches from Callie.

“I didn’t know you were staying here.”

Addison stated, pushing her hair out of her face, now getting a good look at Callie. She looked tired. But still just as good as she remembered. She was wearing the same top she was wearing that night. Navy blue fitted, low cut top and blue jeans. And that leather jacket. She snapped out of her inspection as Callie spoke.

“Yeah. I’m looking for a place. I was staying with George but--anyway.”

Callie shrugged it off, stepping back a little to lean against the wall. She smiled back at Addison, attempting a normal conversation without having to bring up what they were both obviously thinking about. She crossed her arms and cleared her throat.

“So, how long have you been staying here? I heard your uh--friend, Mark? I heard he’s here.”
“Yeah. He is.”

Addison responded, pushing her floor number then moving to stand next to Callie.

“Well, that’s nice.”

Callie said, nodding and trying to keep her distance.

“Yeah. That’s nice. Sex can resolve things sometimes. Closure--thing. Whatever”

They soon found themselves staring at each other as their minds began to wonder and the elevator seemed to slow down. Callie licked her lips and turned away, pinching the ridge of her nose for a second.


Addison asked, knowing perfectly well what was going through Callie’s mind. Her hands almost burned, wanting to reach out an touch her again, to at least hold her hand. Callie kept avoiding her eyes.

“Just--stop it. I--am not going to--just, don’t say anything. And stop looking at me.”

Addison laughed and caused Callie to turn around, angry.

“It’s not funny! We--you know, and we’re not--we’re not talking about it.”
“Alright! What do you want to talk about four ten more floors?”

Callie rolled her eyes and smirked in spite of herself.

“Well, why did you move out of Casa De Grey? Did you two break up?”

Addison asked casually. Callie sighed heavily.

“No. We didn’t break up. We’re just having a fight. He’s such a child sometimes.”
“Yeah. I know about that.”

There was a pause as Addison looked up and stared at the floor lights change gradually.

“You’re on the twentieth floor?”

Callie answered with a smile. Addison looked at her shoes then looked up at her suddenly as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.


Callie turned at the door.

“Do you--want to have a drink? There’s a bar.”
“Yes. But I can’t.”

Addison nodded, her lips in a tight grin.

“Okay. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Callie.”

Callie hesitated a second outside the elevator but then decided to ignore her gut and go to her hotel room.


Addison stepped out of the elevator and almost choked on her own spit as a smiling Mark stood only a few doors before hers. She stomped her way toward him and stopped a few feet away.

“What are you doing here?”

She hissed as he only became more amused at her sudden rage.

“Mark. What are you still doing here?”
“I have a thing for fairy boats.”
“Mark, leave.”
“I told you, I’m not going.”
“You know what? I am not going to deal with you right now. I--I am going down to the bar. Don’t follow me. You’re already stalking me enough, leave me to THIS.”

Mark smiled as Addison made her way back to the elevator and she glared at him as the doors closed.


“I am not going down there.”

Callie stood in front of the bathroom mirror, her hair still wet from her bath, blow drier in one hand.

“I CAN’T go down there. You will NOT go down there, Callie because you KNOW what’s going to happen and--you have a boyfriend. He’s a fetus at the moment, but you have a boyfriend nonetheless.”

She shook the thought away and resumed drying her hair, until the familiar ringing of her phone forced her to stop. She turned the drier off and walked towards the bed where her jacket laid. She rummaged through the pockets, took out the phone and answered it.

“Hi, George. No. I don’t feel like dinner. No, I don’t feel like seeing you right now. N--”

She sighed, hung up and threw the phone on the bed.

“Screw it.”

She slipped out of her pajamas and reached for a fresh pair of jeans.


Addison sat at the hotel bar, a martini sat in front of her. As she took a sip, she was caught off guard by Callie who, without warming, came to sit next to her.

“Can I have one of those please?”

Callie said to the bar tender, pointing at Addison’s glass then turning her head to her and smiling. Addison smirked back.

“Hi, Callie.”
“Don’t get too excited. We are just drinking.”
“That’s fine.”
“I just feel like hating men and I am not going to do it alone.”
“Oh that is more than okay with me. Trust me. Mark is--well, Mark is here. That’s all I have to say.”
“I thought you liked Mark.”

Callie said, nodding at the bartender as he brought her a drink.

“I--like Mark--sometimes.”
“Yeah. I get that too.”
“So, you have a nice bath? You smell nice.”
“Thank you. Yes I did.”

Addison leaned in slowly, pushing Callie’s hair behind her ear and taking her scent in. Callie wanted to move away and she knew she had to but she couldn’t. She only parted her lips slightly and tasted her drink. Addison pulled away, still looking at Callie.

“I had almost forgotten what you smelled like.”

And just like that, Addison was back to detached mode. The smoky look in her eyes gone and it almost made Callie mad, but she wasn’t about to let her know that. She cleared her throat and returned her attention to the glass in front of her, once in a while looking at Addison as they made small talk.


Addison began, signaling the bartender for another martini.

“--I know you don’t want to talk about what you secretly DO want to talk about, but--”
“But it shouldn’t have happened. I was--well, I wasn’t with George yet but you were married--”
“And we can see where that went.”
“But it was good. I mean, it was GOOD.”

Callie found herself looking at her again, then blushed as Addison smiled, bringing back memories from that night and she laughed with her.

“Right? Callie, it was good.”
“Yes. Okay. It was good.”
“You’re blushing. It was really good.”

Addison drank from her glass, staring ahead, reminiscing. She spoke, not turning her head.

“So, let me ask you something.”
“Well, I’m glad you came down but, why didn’t you want to, to begin with?”
“You know why.”

Addison nodded to herself then turned to look at Callie, who was swirling her drink with an olive.


Callie answered, putting the olive in her mouth.

“Why did you come down here?”

Callie turned her head at Addison’s question, chewing on the olive in her mouth, she shrugged slightly and smirked before looking away quickly.

“Because I’ve developed a bit more self control, I believe.”

Addison laughs aloud as the bar tender serves her another drink.


Two hours and a few drinks later, Addison stood beside Callie in the elevator, both in silence.

“Thanks for having drinks with me.”

Addison said to Callie, nudging her with her elbow. Callie nudged her back.

“Thanks for having drinks with ME.”
“You’re welcome.”

They giggled.

The elevator stopped on the twentieth floor and as Callie straightened up to step out Addison watched her. The doors opened and as Callie stepped out, Addison poked her head out, blocking the doors with her foot.


Callie turned around, caught off guard.

“I want to see you tonight but I know you won’t show up so, I am going to go up to my room, make some work related phone calls, take a shower, and in an hour from now I am going to come down to your room and knock. And if you don’t open the door, we can forget I ever came to your room or that we ever saw each other outside of the hospital. When we do see each other, I’ll smile knowingly and you’ll smile knowingly, and no one will ever know we slept together. But I really hope you open the door because…I think we owe it to each other and, it doesn’t have to be about anything other than tonight.”

Addison reached for Callie’s hand and leaned in close. She breathed out and kissed Callie softly on the lips. She stepped back and let the doors close in front of her. Callie stood, staring at the elevator doors, then ran her fingers through her hair, frustrated.


Callie sat on her bed, fully dressed, her legs crossed and biting her nails. She mumbled to herself.

“I’m not going to open the door, who am I kidding? So, why am I still dressed? I’m going to bed.”

She stared at the door then at the clock in her nightstand that read 11:55. Five minutes.

“Go to bed, Callie.”

Her breath got caught in her throat as someone knocked on the door. She sat up straight.

“Callie, go to bed.”

She repeated, slowly rising and walking toward the door, freezing only steps away.

“Go to bed.”


End Part 1 ;) so let me know if you want them to hook up or if I should just end it here.
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