Love & Softball (Chapter 7)

Jun 30, 2010 02:14

Title: Love & Softball
Author: BrennaAimee
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Callie transfers to a new high school from one where she is a softball star. Can she prove she belongs on this new team? Can she impress her new captain . . . in more ways than one? 
Disclaimer: All television shows, books, movies, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work and the characters, events, and settings thereof are the properties of their respective owners. This is for entertainment purposes only, no profit is being made.

Chapter 7

Arizona’s P.O.V

‘Fifth period, finally, one more class and then softball practice.’ I think. I’m sitting in this class with my best friend Chelsea the work the teacher assigned us we are through with, so now we have to entertain ourselves. I pull out a sheet of paper and start writing drills for practice and trying to think of a good line up. I look at my phone, secretively, to check the time. Twenty more minutes left then I have study hall. Best part of having study hall at the end of the day: the teacher lets the athletes with practice leave early. I look at my phone again when I see it light up and read Joanne’s name pop up across the screen.

‘>View now or >view later’ I click view now and almost regret it.

‘AZ, meet me in our usual bathroom in 5 please, u said we could talk.’ Ugh really, is it that important? No, I answer my own question. Some reason though I decide to go. I am not a person who goes back on my word, so . . .

‘Ok.’ Is the reply I send back.

I walk up to the teacher and ask if I can go to the restroom and he, of course, says yes. I walk down the hall and through the double doors going into the bathroom on the left. I walk to the very end of the bathroom to the big handicap stall and see Joanne standing against the rail. I pull the door closed and lock it.

“So what is all this about?”

“Well I just needed to talk to you.”

“About what?”

“AZ, why are you treating me like this? You said you wanted to be friends and you won’t even talk to me, yet you picked me to help you with that girl’s tryout.”

“Ok that girl’s name is Callie and yes I picked you because you are a great player and I needed your help. I want to be friends with you, but now I realize it’s hard because you are the one that walked out in the relationship. I wanted to be friends because I couldn’t see myself being without you.”

“Wanted? Couldn’t? That’s all being said past tense. Now you can see yourself being without me?”

“It’s not like that. I’m just having a bad day ok. Yes, I want us to be friends ok.”

“What if I want more? What if I want us back? I know that you won’t just give that to me, I messed up, but will you at least let me work to be on your good side. I want to try to make it up with you.” She’s pleading. She looks so defeated, I loved this girl and I hate seeing that look on her face. Her green eyes are filled with pain and I don’t like seeing her like that.

Ugh, I sigh. “You can do what you want Joanne, but don’t expect much at all. I’m not saying we can or will get back together so be prepared for that. Just please stop looking at me like that.” I see a small smile grace her features at my words.

“Well, I plan on working hard.” With her saying that I turned around and unlocked the door and walked to the sinks toward the entrance to the bathroom. Next thing I know I feel Joanne turn me around and kiss me on the cheek and I hear someone enter the bathroom. I look over and there she is, Callie.

She is looking at us wide eyed. I know from the angle it probably looked like a kiss on the lips, but it wasn’t. Wait, she’s straight, please tell me she’s not homophobic. Shit.

“Sorry, I was just going to the umm stall. Please . . . Don’t let me interrupt, continue.” I see the blush across her olive complection for the second time today and it makes my knees go weak.

“Sorry, new girl.” Joanne said with sarcasm in her voice and it made me mad. I moved from my position and leaned in front of her and told her to leave now.

Before I could turn back to Callie she was gone and it hurt my feelings. I wanted to apologize for the way Joanne acted, but it was too late, she was gone. This should make softball practice interesting. Joanne walks out and I turn to look in the mirror. I get so mad I punch it and just as the glass breaks I see Callie in the reflection.

“Are you ok?” She asks and I see nothing but compassion in her dark eyes.

“Yeah, no big deal just got a little frustrated.”

“I’m sorry.” She says looking down.

“Hey, it had nothing to do with you.”

“Is your hand ok? You know we need our all star captain.” She chuckles and for a person that never blushes, I could feel the hot pink color taint my skin.

“It’s fine no worries. I’m sorry for the way Joanne acted. I’ll see you at practice.” I give her a small smile and leave before she can respond. ‘Every time this day gets bad that girl makes it okay again.’ I think to myself.

My study hall teacher lets me out for practice early as I figured he would and I go to the field house to change. Ten minutes later as I’m standing outside the field house getting some air, I see a few of the girls coming my way. They greet me as they pass me and I tell them I’ll be inside in a few minutes.
I look up toward the school and see a few more of the girls and finally behind them I spot the head of curly black hair I had been waiting on. Then to my dismay I look beside her and see Mark again. Really? Must you bring your little man-whore of a boyfriend everywhere? Where is a brick when I need one? Wait. . . I’m sitting on one . . . No Arizona get that thought out of your head that’s her boyfriend, she doesn’t belong to you.

Callie’s P.O.V
I find Mark when the bell rings and we go to our lockers. I’m ready for practice. I love hearing the sound of thunder you hear when a ball slaps into a players glove or the crack you hear when your bat’s sweet spot makes the connection to the ball. The sheer exhilaration that comes with playing the sport you love is what drives me. Now, unlike before I’m excited to see how this team plays together and how I can fit into the fold.

Mark grabs my softball bag as I carry my books. I think he enjoys the attention he gets when seen helping a girl out. As we walk down the hall he gets a few high fives and one guy even had the nerve to say that he got the best one in the school. I look at him and he shrugs as if to say he’s sorry but I know he loves it.

We walk outside and I see Arizona sitting on a brick outside the field house watching all the players come down.

“I’m going to sit on the bench during your practice, is that ok?”

“Yeah, of course, just don’t be trying to get with every girl on the team.” I joke with him.

“Well I can’t make any promises, but I’ll try not to, wait who am I lying to.” He laughs.

“Whatever, just give me my bag and take my books to the bench.”

We trade off and I walk closer into the field house.

“Hey AZ.” I offer and she ignores me. I brush it off as I figured she didn’t hear me.
I walk into the room where everyone changes and see Arizona come in a few minutes later. I start to change with everyone else, and soon have on all my gear. The coach comes in soon after I sit down.

“Ok, ladies, this first practice I’m going to give reign to our captain. I know she has been writing drills and coming up with a line up, so this is her chance to impress me.”

Arizona looks at her coach and nods dutifully. “Ok everyone let’s hit the field.”

The team leaves and goes out to the field. AZ yells for everyone to get in the field and partner up because we are going to stretch first. We all partner up and I end up with a girl named Bianca. Turns out she is a senior and also the short stop. She said she saw me playing during my try out and she wanted to see what I was made of. ‘I love a challenge’ was my response because like my dad said. Torres’s are rock stars and I’m going to prove it. I have to show this team I belong here and that’s exactly what I plan on doing.

After stretching, Arizona has us warm up by simply throwing the ball back and forth to loosen up our arms. Then she lines us up and picks people out to play on the field and the others to bat. Joanne is the pitcher she picks. I don’t know why I thought she would let me try. I am still new and Joanne has seniority with this team.

I wait my turn to bat and then its time. I get my helmet and grab my Lisa Fernandez bat and step up to the plate. I know this is practice, but when I step up to the plate it is business, just as if I were in a game. Arizona gives Joanne the signal and she pitches. She threw a ball to the inside and of course I didn’t take it.

Before she makes her next pitch she gives me a little smirk and throws another ball . . . inside . . . almost hitting me. Arizona yells for Joanne to meet her in the middle and she runs out to her. I don’t think I was supposed to, but I overhear their conversation.

“What the hell. That is not the signal I’m giving you, and I know you are placing it. You are not just having an off day. When you place it you eye the spot right before you pitch. So, throw the pitches I’m signaling.”


AZ comes back brushing off the plate and squatting down behind it throwing her another signal.
Here it comes, my pitch the perfect strike down the middle. At abdomen level, in my sweet spot. I rear back, step forward, and swing with all I have in me. I watch as the ball connects with the sweet spot. CRACK, is all I hear and I get so excited. I swear that’s my favorite sound. I watch as the ball goes soaring, I toss the bat and go running to first base, as I get halfway down the base line I see my ball soaring over the fence in left field. I run anyways rounding the bases as fast as I can. Even if it is practice you should play to your fullest and that’s what I believe. Whatever you do, do it 110% because if you slack off at practice you will slack off at game time. My foot connects with home plate but I run through for good measure. I turn around and she the coach looking very please with me. I look at AZ and she has her catcher mask thrown off looking at me.

“Very impressive Torres.”

“I do what I can.” I say winking at her. I love when I impress people, it makes me feel as bad ass as I am. I know that sounds cocky, but face it I’m confident.

“Damn, Torres I knew you were holding back at your house.” I hear Mark yell from the bleachers. I look over at him and give him a little smirk.

“Ok home run, let’s see what you have on the pitcher’s mound.” AZ says to me sounding a little sarcastic, but I’m just going to chalk it up to her joking.

I go and get my glove out of the dugout and walk to the mound where Joanne gives me the ball, and an evil look. AZ meets me on the mound as well.

“Ok, I know you don’t know the signals and I don’t know if you have used signals before, so I’m going to just let you do your thing. Trust me, I can handle whatever you throw my way.” She winks at me. She might have just winked at me, but she still looked mad. I’m not sure what I did wrong, but something must have happened.

I get ready. I wind up my pitch. I step of the mound and release right at my waist. I hear the sound of thunder. The perfect strike just made its way into the catcher’s glove. My pitch is by far faster than Joanne’s, but I’m not going to bring that up. The batter looked a little stunned. I continue to pitch until she hit the ball, and did the same through the lineup. By the time I got done pitching I had thrown every pitch I knew: drop ball, rise ball, slider, curve and straight down the middle. I was on fire today and that made me feel amazing.

“That’s the way it’s done Torres.” I hear Mark yell after we go to get off the field and leave.

“Great practice girls we will be back at it tomorrow.” Coach O told us.
We walked out of the dugout and Mark met up with me.

“Great job out there, you were definitely in your comfort zone.”

“Thanks Mark.”

“Hey Blondie.” Mark yells.

“What Sloan?” I hear AZ yell back.

“I bet your glad you have my girl here as a new addition to your team. She did her thing out there.”

“Yeah, she is a great addition, but for the record I would appreciate if you didn’t follow your girlfriend to practice.” With that she walks into the field house.

Shit. That’s probably why she is mad. She thinks I brought my boyfriend to practice. That’s so not the case. That’s so unprofessional and when it comes to my sport I’m nothing but professional. Shit, great impression. I have to tell her she got it messed up. Mark is definitely not my boyfriend. I don’t know why it is bothering me so much that she thinks he is, but it does. . .

A/N: Thanks to everyone who is reading and reviewing. I love reviews even if they are just a smiley face =) or a frown if you don't like it lol

I just want to inform everyone if you don't already know about it. There is a site that I am now a mod for its : It’s a great Calzona board. If you love our girls and i'm sure you do, you will love this board. There is even a chat room and we are on there pretty regularly at night. There is a place for fics and even non calzona fics if you want to write. We love having new fics posted. Also there are fics that have never been posted on fanfiction or live journal and they are worth it trust me. So join us and make an account. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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