Fan Fic: Safety (Part 6)

May 16, 2010 06:08

Title: Safety
Author: BrennaAimee
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG 13
Summary: What happens when Callie and Arizona become attached to a withdrawn teen patient?
Disclaimer: All television shows, books, movies, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work and the characters, events, and settings thereof are the properties of their respective owners. This is for entertainment purposes only, no profit is being made.        (Part 1)                (Part 2)    (Part 3)    (Part 4)    (Part 5)

|A Little over a year later|

Arizonas P.O.V

11:58 p.m. My phone vibrates telling me it is time to wake up. Calliope and I had the night off and we kicked things off early and fell asleep, which was kind of my awesome plan all along.

I knew to set my alarm because now, in two minutes, it would be my Calliope's birthday.

'Hmm. . . how should I do this. . . sexual or sweet?' I contemplate for a while. I finally decide both sounds good. I smile as the clock strikes midnight.

I pull her tight by her hips bringing her extremely close to me and kiss her lightly to wake her up. A smile appears on her face.

"What was that for?" She asks huskily with amusement clear on her face.

"Happy Birthday Silly" I reply. "I love you so much baby" and kiss her again.

"Thank you" She says, emotion filling her eyes. "No one has ever cared enough to wish me happy birthday exactly when it was time." she looks me in my eyes and then a smirk appeared on her face.

"Where's my present?" she asks biting her lip.

"Me being the first and most important to tell you, Duh" I say jokingly.

"First, yes. Most important, always." she says seriously. Another smirk creeps onto her face. "I was thinking maybe. . . I could get a midnight present" she winks.

"Nope, you have to wait until the morning to get your presents" I say playing like I don't catch the hints being thrown.

"Fine, I can have the satisfaction of being the rock star I am, and rocking your world for my birthday" she says mischievously starting to make a trail of kisses down my neck and body.

Her phone starts ringing.

"Damn it!" She yells.

She never ceases to amuse me. I grab her phone. It was only a text. I look and her and she nods for me to read it.

"Happy Birthday Beautiful, I hope u didn't think I 4 got ;)"  - Unknown Name

"Umm Calliope. . . Who is this?" I ask my voice tinged with anger and dare I admit jealously my mood changing instantly after I read it. I have a million thoughts running through my mind. My first guess comes to Erica. I know she hadn't talked to Callie in two years, and Callie no longer had her number saved so that would explain the unknown name. 'Did Callie have another girl?' Na, she couldn't. She spends all her time with me, Mark, or at the hospital. MARK, that man whore, I don't know where they o when they hang out, I trust her. I never thought to ask her. 'UGH SUPER. . . JUST SUPER' I think to myself.

"I don't know babe" Callie says bringing me out of my negative thoughts. I stare into her eyes looking for a hint of deception, but I didn't see anything but confusion and a hint of concern for me.

"Well ill find out" I sate matter-of-factly while typing:

'who is this?'

The reply comes back rather quickly leaving me no time to get lost in questions or accusations again.

'Jesssamine, I just wanted to c if AZ saw it and flipped out =) Sorry I haven't kept in touch. Hope everything is well' I read to Calliope.

"Wow I forgot she had our numbers, I haven't talked to her in months and she had a different number." she says grabbing the phone and saving the contact info.

". . . And when she does she has impeccable timing: I add frustrated.

'Thanks, we were thinking about u the other day. Hope everything is well 4 u 2' Callie finishes typing and I rab the phone and put it on silent, before turning my attention back to Calliope.

"Can we finish what we started?" I ask while making my best puppy dog eyes at her.

"Oh, you mean this?" She asked while pulling me in and kissing and nibbling right under my ear focusing on my weak point.

"Yeah. . . Something like that" I manage to say while struggling to breathe. Completely melting back down into the bed.


|Next Morning|

Callie's P.O.V

Last night was amazing. I think to myself rolling over to be face to face with my beautiful girlfriend. 'She truly makes me feel special and loved. I don't know what I would do with out her. I want her to know how important she is to me, but I don't know what words could convey this feeling' I do the only thing I can think of and wake her up with a gentle kiss. She stirs but doesn't really wake up. I kiss her again. Finally I see those brilliant blue eyes that have stole my heart. I smile and try to put all my love into the next kill I give her.

"Wow" she says "I could get use to waking up like that more often"

"Well get use to it, because I plan on doing it as long as you allow me to" I say staring deeply into her eyes.

"Well I hope you enjoy it as much as I do because I plan on allowing you for a super long time"

"Ok baby" I chuckle her saying words like 'super' and 'awesome' still make me smile. "Lets get up and get ready. Ill make breakfast. We can eat and walk to work together."

:Look at you, in a good mood, not even fighting me about not getting more sleep this morning." She laughs as we get up and start looking around the bedroom and closet finding what we want to wear and getting dressed. I'm soon on my way into the kitchen to start cooking our breakfast.

"Ari?" I ask while sitting at the island eating.

"Yes, babe?" She replies looking a little worried in my tone of voice."

" I think I want to go out tonight for my birthday. Can we go dancing? Maybe to the club on Madison or on 6th Ave.?" I ask, I know she loves to go out dancing, but I didn't know if she had special plans for us tonight.

"Of course, its whatever you want to do. It is your birthday, ya know." She giggles. "I do have one plan for us, but that could come before it is time to go out anyways."

"Ok" I smile. 'Today is going to be a good day' I think to myself. "Thanks Arizona." I say while grabbing our stuff to go to the hospital.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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